Cookies, CCPA, GDPR, and ePrivacy

 3 years ago 3,936 views
Presented by Mike Stowe (@mikegstowe)

November 17, 2020

Who doesn't like cookies? Sugar, chocolate chip, macadamia, necessary, preference, marketing, and statistics! The challenge today is that different regions have different laws, and adhering to just CCPA or GDPR isn't enough, you also have ePrivacy and spam laws to worry about!

To add to it, new court rulings in 2019 means that most websites are no longer in compliance - including the website of the court that clarified the intent of the law! To make matters worst, the penalties for violating these laws can be costly, with GDPR resulting in fines at 4% of business revenue.

So how do you navigate all the different regions and adhere to these new laws? What is allowed, and what isn't allowed? And what tools are available today? Join us for this short lightning talk where we talk about one of the court's favorite topics: cookies.

About Mike
Michael Stowe is a professional, Zend Certified Engineer with over 10 years experience building applications for law enforcement, the medical field, nonprofits, and numerous industrial companies. Over the last several years he has been focused on APIs and ways to improve industry standards and efficiency. He now works for RingCentral, a company on the leading edge of cloud communications. You can view slides from his other talks at or follow him: @mikegstowe


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