Save The World And Money with Data Lakes

 2 years ago 2,863 views
Presented by Joe Karlsson

April 22, 2021

Data centers are expensive, and also not very good for the environment. By 2040, storing digital data is set to create 14% of the world’s green house emissions. As a developer you probably work with a lot of data. Your clusters balloon and become more expensive every day. Now is the time to be a hero, save the world and your wallet.

In this live coding session, I will show you how to archive your cold MongoDB data automatically to an AWS S3 bucket using Serverless Triggers. I will also demonstrate how to keep querying this archived data using MongoDB Atlas Data Lake with zero downtime.

You walk away from this session with a clear understanding of data lakes, their features and capabilities. Join this session and be equipped to save the world.

About Joe
Joe Karlsson is a software engineer turned Developer Advocate at MongoDB. He comes from the frozen tundra of Minneapolis, Minnesota (and yes, it does get really cold here, and no, not everyone here has the accent from the movie, Fargo
Tags: MongoDB


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