Apigility: Agile APIs

 10 years ago 5,301 views
Presented by Matthew Weier O’Phinney @mwop

Presented on February 20, 2014

You’re making the move to APIs – you have a mobile application, or you need to enable cross-organizational access to your data, or because you have an idea for a cool single page web application. Now you’re mired in learning everything you can about web services, and discovering that APIs pose a whole set of challenges discrete from your web applications: what response format should you use? how will you report errors? how can you restrict calls to specific HTTP methods? what should you do when a client doesn’t specify they can accept the format you end up using? how can you secure your API for use with mobile web applications, much less native apps? how should you version the API as it grows?

Apigility, a project sponsored by and built on top of Zend Framework, provides answers to all of these questions. It is an opinionated API builder and engine. In this session, I’ll walk you through both what it delivers for an API, as well as how you can build an API using its admin dashboard.


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