Introduction to Time Series

David McKay

June 18, 2020 at 11:00am PDT        

Time-Series has been the fastest growing database category, rated, by DBEngines, for over 2 years; yet, less than 15% store their time-series data in a time-series database. Do you?

About David McKay

David is a Developer Advocate at InfluxData, the company behind the leading time series database, InfluxDB; and a member of the Kubernetes release team.

As a professional technology magpie, David was an early adopter of cloud, container, and cloud-native technologies; crossing the murky waters of AWS in 2008, Docker in 2014, and Kubernetes in 2015.

With an insatiable love for technology, David is always on the hunt to learn and share knowledge with others in fun and exciting ways.

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