Preparing for PHP Certification

Peter MacIntyre

December 12, 2019 at 11:00am PST        

PHP Certification can be a badge of honor for any developer, highlighting that you understand the majority of the ins and outs of the language. However, these certifications can also be costly and have high failure rates. So what do you need to know to pass these exams? Join me as I walk through how to prepare for these exams, point out some of the gotchas, show what to study, and review some sample questions. All in aid of helping you get your Zend 2017-PHP or Nomad PHP Level 1 Certification.

About Peter MacIntyre

Peter MacIntyre has over 28 years of experience in IT, primarily in PHP. Author of "Building Exceptional Sites with WordPress & Thesis" and "PHP: The Good Parts"; co-author: "Programming PHP-3rd Ed" & "Pro PHP Programming", among others. Peter has spoken at PHP Central Europe 2017 (Warsaw, Poland); PHP[World] 2016 (Washington, DC); ZendCon 2016 (Las Vegas), NortheastPHP (Boston), CA-World (New Orleans); CA-TechniCon (Köln, Germany); and CA-Expo (Melbourne, Australia). Peter is a past co-chair and co-founder for the Northeast PHP Developer's Conference, and is Zend certified for both PHP 5.3 and 4.0.

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