PHP on Lambda with Custom Runtimes

Ian Littman

February 20, 2020 at 6:00pm PST        

At re:invent 2018, Amazon released custom runtime support and Layers for their Lambda function-as-a-service runtime. With this release, the fact that the company still doesn't have an official PHP Lambda runtime becomes more or less irrelevant, since we as developers can create our own without undue overhead. This talk will show you how Lambda custom runtimes work, how to build one that speaks PHP, and how to use pre-built custom runtime layers for either one-off job processing or behind a load balancer or API Gateway to serve web traffic with extreme infrastructure elasticity.

About Ian Littman

When he isn't building or maintaining web applications, primarily of the API variety, for a handful of clients, Ian's probably biking between coffee shops in Austin, Texas or opining on transportation or telecommunication networks. He also helps organize the Austin PHP user group and Longhorn PHP Conference.

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