Robust Second-factor Authentication with PHP

 8 years ago 7,048 views
Presented by Tim Lytle (@tjlytle)

December 15, 2016

Single-use codes delivered by email and SMS, mobile phone verification using automated phone calls and installed applications, or standalone physical devices – there’s more than one way to do 2nd-factor authentication (2FA).

There are benefits – and downsides – to each. Learn how each one works and what is best for you and your users. Avoid some common mistakes when rolling out 2FA, and take a look at how you can add one, or many, to your application’s login flow.

Tim Lytle
Tim has been a contract developer for the past 10 years, and now is the developer evangelist at Nexmo. Having worked on API integration and custom applications, Tim enjoys Zend Framework, Doctrine2, and well-documented APIs. He’s also the organizer of the Lehigh Valley PHP Meetup.


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