MongoDB Schema Design Best Practices

 4 years ago 5,424 views
Presented by Joe Karlsson (@JoeKarlsson1)

April 4, 2020

Have you ever wondered, “How do I model my schema for my application?” It’s one of the most common questions devs have pertaining to MongoDB. And the answer is, it depends. This is because document databases have a rich vocabulary that is capable of expressing data relationships in more nuanced ways than SQL. There are many things to consider when picking a schema. is your app read or write heavy? What data is frequently accessed together? What are your performance considerations? How will your data set grow and scale?

In this talk, we will discuss the basics of data modeling using real world examples. You will learn common methodologies and vocabulary you can use when designing your database schema on you application.

About Joe
Joe Karlsson is a software engineer turned Developer Advocate at MongoDB. He comes from the frozen tundra of Minneapolis, Minnesota (and yes, it does get really cold here, and no, not everyone here has the accent from the movie, Fargo


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