libsodium: the modern cryptographic library for PHP 7

Vinícius Campitelli
 3 years ago 5,847 views
Presented on April 23, 2021

libsodium is a great and modern cryptography library and it is part of the PHP core since the 7.2 version (being the first language to do that!). We will see how to use it to securely encrypt and decrypt data with both symmetric and asymmetric approaches, how to safely store passwords and how to correctly hash data to guarantee authenticity. By doing that, you will surely boost your software security to a new level!

About Vinícius Campitelli
I've been using PHP for over 10 years now and have closely followed the language improvement since then, using it on several projects, even in daemons and background processes. I like to talk about good coding practices, systems architecture and cybersecurity.
Tags: crypto


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