The Rise of Spec Based Testing

 4 years ago 5,010 views
Presented by Ashley Hutson (@asheliahut)

December 12, 2019

Learn about how the rise of spec based testing--a recent development from the world of JavaScript--has improved the testing process, and how you can take advantage of it by using Kahlan, a spec based testing framework in PHP. Find out how writing both unit and integration tests in Kahlan can be fun and faster than traditional PHPUnit, all while making your test code easier to review for those familiar with front-end development. Kahlan offers spec testing features like monkey patching, spys, and mocks, all built in out-of-the-box. Enjoy your TDD and BDD workflows like never before.

About Ashley
Ashley Hutson is a Principal Software Engineer with over 11 years in the field. Her passion is creating solutions that help others with their development experiences no matter what tech stack or technology. She enjoys solving puzzles, whether that's diving into code to find that one broken test or literally doing regex crosswords. She is comedically unable to tolerate spices, unless those spices are both pumpkin and in a latte.


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