4 years ago 4,819 views
4 years ago 4,819 views
Presented by Chris Tankersley (@dragonmantank)
March 19, 2020
Many know of the famous quote, "Premature optimization is the root of all evil," but most people do not know the full quote or understand the context in which optimization is considered evil. As with anything in programming optimization is evil, maybe. Stop using excuses for slow code, and start to think about the places and tools that you can use to optimize. Thankfully there are are many different tools like xhprof, Valgrind, and others to help us out and properly optimize our code for those times when we need to dig deep into our code.
About Chris
Chris Tankersley is a husband, father, author, speaker, PHP developer, podcast host, and probably lots of other things he's forgetting to mention. He works for Nexmo as a PHP Developer Advocate. Chris has worked with many different frameworks and languages throughout his twelve years of programming, but spends most of his day working in PHP. He is the author of "Docker for Developers," and works with companies and developers for integrating containers into their workflows.