Presented by Janna Hilferty
Presented on April 3, 2020 Is your website prepared to handle viral traffic? Can it survive a Black Friday sale? Many developers know how to setup a basic web server, but not how to build a scalable and performant server that can respond to floods of traffic.
In this talk, learn about scalable components of your tech stack, compare performance benchmarks, and common pitfalls that can tank your site in high traffic scenarios.
About JannaJanna Hilferty is forever curious. Recognized by her coworkers as "Captain Marvel" and "Automation Champion," she is currently a DevOps engineer at HR company TriNet, and blogger at In the not-so-distant past, she was nicknamed "War Janna" for her fierce dedication to problem-solving in web hosting and Linux server admin work, where she specialized in performance, cacheability, and technical documentation.