Workshop: Get to Grips with Git

 4 years ago 4,258 views
Presented by Pauline Vos

June 15, 2019

During this workshop we'll be getting into the nitty gritty of Git, hands-on. We'll be applying some of the concepts we've learned in the previous talk in interactive exercises.
Expect to:
Navigate your history in different ways
Keep your history clean with interactive rebase
Cherry-pick and rebase other people's changes
Use reflog to undo mistakes
Use bisect to find a certain point in history
Automatically run commands on your commits
Automate more of your flow with Git hooks
About Pauline
Pauline is a PHP developer currently employed by Werkspot in Amsterdam. She likes good, clean software design and being as efficient (lazy) as possible. Also cocktails, video games and animal memes. She lives in Amsterdam with her cat, Phife Cat, and about three plants.


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