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PHP IPC with Daemon Service using Message Queues, Shared Memory and Semaphores


In a previous article we learned about Creating a PHP Daemon Service. Now we are going to learn how to use methods to perform IPC - Inter-Process Communication - to communicate with daemon processes.

Message Queues

In the world of UNIX, there is an incredible variety of ways to send a message or a command to a daemon script and vice versa. But first I want to talk only about message queues - "System V IPC Messages Queues".

A long time ago I learned that a queue can be either in the System V IPC implementation, or in the POSIX implementation. I want to comment only about the System V implementation, as I know it better.

Lets get started. At the "normal" operating system level, queues are stored in memory. Queue data structures are available to all system programs. Just as in the file system, it is possible to configure queues access rights and message size. Usually a queue message size is small, less than 8 KB.

This introductory part is over. Lets move on to the practice with same example scripts.queue-send.php
$key = ftok(__FILE__, 'A'); 
$queue = msg_get_queue($key);

msg_send($queue, 1, 'message, type 1');
msg_send($queue, 2, 'message, type 2');
msg_send($queue, 3, 'message, type 3');
msg_send($queue, 1, 'message, type 1');

echo "send 4 messages

$key = ftok('queue-send.php', 'A');
$queue = msg_get_queue($key);

for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
echo "type: {$i}

while ( msg_receive($queue, $i, $msgtype, 4096, $message, false, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT) ) {
echo "type: {$i}, msgtype: {$msgtype}, message: {$message}

Lets run on the first stage of the file queue-send.php, and then queue-receive.php.
u% php queue-send.php
send 4 messages
u% php queue-receive.php
type: 1
type: 1, msgtype: 1, message: s:15:"message, type 1";
type: 1, msgtype: 1, message: s:15:"message, type 1";
type: 2
type: 2, msgtype: 2, message: s:15:"message, type 2";
type: 3
type: 3, msgtype: 3, message: s:15:"message, type 3";

You may notice that the messages have been grouped. The first group gathered 2 messages of the first type, and then the remaining messages.

If we would have indicated to receive messages of type 0, you would get all messages, regardless of the type.
while (msg_receive($queue, $i, $msgtype, 4096, $message, false, MSG_IPC_NOWAIT)) {

Here it is worth noting another feature of the queues: if we do not use the constant MSG_IPC_NOWAIT in the script and run the script queue-receive.php from a terminal, and then run periodically the file queue-send.php, we see how a daemon can effectively use this to wait jobs.queue-receive-wait.php
$key = ftok('queue-send.php', 'A');
$queue = msg_get_queue($key);

while ( msg_receive($queue, 0, $msgtype, 4096, $message) ) {
echo "msgtype: {$msgtype}, message: {$message}

Actually that is the most interesting information of all I have said. There are also functions to get statistics, disposal and checking for the existence of queues.

Lets now try to write a daemon listening to a queue:queue-daemon.php
$pid = pcntl_fork();
$key = ftok('queue-send.php', 'A');
$queue = msg_get_queue($key);

if ($pid == -1) {
} elseif ($pid) {
} else {
while ( msg_receive($queue, 0, $msgtype, 4096, $message) ) {
echo "msgtype: {$msgtype}, message: {$message}


Shared Memory

We have learned to work with queues, with which you can send small system messages. But then we may certainly be faced with the task of transmitting large amounts of data. My favorite type of system, System V, has solved the problem of rapid transmission and preservation of large data in memory using a mechanism calledShared Memory.

In short, the data in the Shared Memory lives until the system is rebooted. Since the data is in memory, it works much faster than if it was stored in a database somewhere in a file, or, God forgive me on a network share.

Lets try to write a simple example of data storage.shared-memory-write-base.php
$id = ftok(__FILE__, 'A');

$shmId = shm_attach($id);

$var = 1;

if (shm_has_var($shmId, $var)) {
$data = (array) shm_get_var($shmId, $var);
} else {
$data = array();

$data[time()] = file_get_contents(__FILE__);

shm_put_var($shmId, $var, $data);

Run this script several times to save the value in memory. Now lets write a script only to read from the memory.shared-memory-read-base.php
$id = ftok(__DIR__ . '/shared-memory-write-base.php', 'A');
$shmId = shm_attach($id);
$var = 1;

if (shm_has_var($shmId, $var)) {
$data = (array) shm_get_var($shmId, $var);
} else {
$data = array();

foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$path = "/tmp/$key.php";
file_put_contents($path, $value);

echo $path . PHP_EOL;


So, in general terms, it should be clear for you by now how to work with shared memory. The only problems left to figure out are about a couple of nuances, such as: "What to do if two processes want to record one block of memory?" Or "How to store binary files of any size?".

To prevent simultaneous accesses we will use semaphores. Semaphores allow us to flag that we want to have exclusive access to some resource, like for instance a shared memory block. While that happens other processes will wait for their turn on semaphore.

In this code it explained clearly:shared-memory-semaphors.php

$id = ftok(__FILE__, 'A');

$semId = sem_get($id);


$data = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/06050396.JPG', FILE_BINARY);

$shmId = shm_attach($id, strlen($data)+4096);
$var = 1;

if (shm_has_var($shmId, $var)) {
$data = shm_get_var($shmId, $var);

$filename = '/tmp/' . time();
file_put_contents($filename, $data, FILE_BINARY);

} else {
shm_put_var($shmId, $var, $data);


Now you can use the md5sum command line utility to compare two files, the original and the saved file. Or, you can open the file in image editor or whatever prefer to compare the images.

With this we are done with shared memory and semaphores. As your homework I want to ask you to write code that a demon will use semaphores to access shared memory.


Exchanging data between the daemons is very simple. This article described two options for data exchange: message queues and shared memory.

Post a comment here if you have questions or comments about how to exchange data with daemon services in PHP.