crocodile2u's Blog

Showing 1 to 5 of 8 blog articles.
  28832 views · 5 years ago

![Introduction to Gitlab CI for PHP developers](

As a developer, you've probably at least heard something about [CI - Continuous integration]( And if you haven't - you better fix it ASAP, because that's something awesome to have on your skill list and can get extremely helpful in your everyday work. This post will focus on CI for PHP devs, and specifically, on CI implementation from [Gitlab]( I will suppose you know the basics of [Git](, [PHP](, [PHPUnit](, [Docker]( and unix shell. Intended audience - intermediate PHP devs.

Adding something to your workflow must serve a purpose. In this case the goal is to automate routine tasks and achieve better quality control. Eve...

  8045 views · 6 years ago

![Custom extension to Laravel Application class](

Hello folks! This post is for those of you using Laravel. This beautiful framework makes web development super-easy compared to most of competitors. In the heart of Laravel is the Application class, which is responsible for bootstrapping, registering services and also serves as a dependency injection container. What I do with my Laravel apps, is that I take a slight detour from the common path by adding a custom Application class. While this is not really necessary, I find this approach nice, and will try to share my thought below.

It's normal practice in Laravel world to build all kinds of objects like this:


$cache = app("cache");


I find it a bit confusing to call `app("cache"")` and expect a `Cache\Repository` instance as result....

  8309 views · 6 years ago

Now that the Thanksgiving and Black Friday are left behind, we're all back at our desks, some of us having PHPStorm open for the whole day. In this post, I'll say a few words on this [beautiful IDE](, [PHPUnit]( and [XDebug](

**You know that unit tests are essential, don't you?** So do the PHPStorm developers. This industry-standard level IDE has tons of capabilities for integrating test frameworks and debuggers into your project. Even if you use VMs or containers to run your development environment, chances are they got you covered!

![Blind Pew from Treasure Island](

I often see even experienced PHP programmers debugging their code with `var_dump()`, which is obviously not the best way to do it. If you see the code for the first time, if you work with legacy code - step-by-step interactive debugging is the way to go. Sometimes it can s...

  9271 views · 6 years ago

![Underclocking a Website](

For those of you not familiar with the concept of underclocking: it's the opposite of overclocking, that is, you don't speed up CPU but instead slow it down..

### What for?

Ask the underclockers, I'm totally not sure. Actually, hanging around the Web these days leaves a feeling that nearly every website out there must have been underclocked, but most of the time it's about tons of unnecessary images, megabytes of javascript (of which hardly a hundred kilobytes gets actually executed), and all that. In this post I will, however, tell you about a server-side approach to underclocking, with a help of our good old friend - the MySQL Database Server.

Today I had a nice chat in my client's development telegram channel. The two other devs, R** and V**, were making a switch of the old imag...

  9841 views · 6 years ago

Hey there! This reading is not going to be a technical one. Instead, it's just a little portion of information that you might have not known before. I once worked for a project that did currency exchanges. As you probably know, currencies have 3-letter codes (ISO 4217), and I asked myself if there's a currency with code "PHP".

[PHP: Philippine peso](! In Philippines you can code PHP for PHP!

![Philippine Pesos](

But there's more to it.. "PHP: Prvi Hrvatski PiĊĦtolj" stands for "first Croatian pistol". Next time someone tells me that it's too easy to shoot your own leg with PHP, I'll definitely agree.

__If you don't believe me - checkout these [10 most common mistakes PHP programmers make]( from Toptal!__

Or che...