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13348 views · 5 years ago
Working With Thin Controller And Fat Model Concept In Laravel

Models and controllers are one of the most essential programming handlers in the Laravel MVC framework, and both are used vastly for different functional operations. Models in Laravel are created inside the app folder and are mostly used to interact with the database using Eloquent ORM, while the controllers are located inside the directory App/Http/Controllers.

As a programmer, you should have the knowledge how to keep the balance in between the programming usage of Models and controllers. As which one should be more utilized for allowing functional tasks in applications deployed on any PHP MySQL hosting.

What is the Concept of Thin Controller and FAT Models

The concept of the thin controller and fat model is that we do less work in our controllers and more work in our models. Like we use our controllers to validate our data and then pass it to the models. While in models, we define our actual functional logic and main coding operations of the desired application. This code structuring process is also a very basic concept of MVC and also the differentiating factor from the conventional complex programming which we mistakenly ignore sometimes.

Why FAT Controllers Are Bad For Handling Code

Controllers are always meant to be defined short and concise, and it should only be used for receiving requests and return responses to it. Anything else further should be programmed in Models, which is actually made for main functional operations.

Placing functional logic in controllers can be bad for many reasons for your applications deployed on anyhosting for PHP. As it not only makes code structure long but also makes it complex sometimes. Further placing code in Controllers is also not recommended because if same functionality is needed somewhere else in route, then pulling out the whole code from their becomes difficult and so its reusability in the application.

Though Laravel is an MVC framework while developing on laravel, we sometimes ignore this and write mostly all our code including the extending of App\Model and all our functional logic in controller route methods. What we can do here is we can create a sub model of our parent model. For example, our parent model is User then we can create another sub model of username in CustomerModel if you are using the same User model for all types of users. In this model, we will write all the logic related to user type Customer.

So now let's take an example of my existing blog creating comment system with laravel and vuejs. In that article, you can see I have made so much mess in my controller methods. Mostly, I have written all my comments logic in my methods, so to shorten that let's clean them in this article. Inside app folder, I will create a new file with name CommentModel.php. Inside this file, I will write my whole logic for comment functions. This is my basic file:

namespace App;

use App\Comment;
use App\CommentVote;
use App\CommentSpam;
use App\User;
use Auth;

class CommentModel



Right now it contains no function but has the reference of all my models which I required for this model. Let's first add a function namedgetallcomments passing$pageId as a parameter inside it. The function will get all the comments for the given page:

public function getAllComments($pageId)
$comments = Comment::where('page_id',$pageId)->get();

$commentsData = [];

foreach ($comments as $key) {
$user = User::find($key->users_id);
$name = $user->name;
$replies = $this->replies($key->id);
$photo = $user->first()->photo_url;
$reply = 0;
$vote = 0;
$voteStatus = 0;
$spam = 0;
$voteByUser = CommentVote::where('comment_id',$key->id)->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->first();
$spamComment = CommentSpam::where('comment_id',$key->id)->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->first();

$vote = 1;
$voteStatus = $voteByUser->vote;

$spam = 1;

if(sizeof($replies) > 0){
$reply = 1;

"name" => $name,
"photo_url" => (string)$photo,
"commentid" => $key->id,
"comment" => $key->comment,
"votes" => $key->votes,
"reply" => $reply,
"votedByUser" =>$vote,
"vote" =>$voteStatus,
"spam" => $spam,
"replies" => $replies,
"date" => $key->created_at->toDateTimeString()

$collection = collect($commentsData);
return $collection->sortBy('votes');

Now I will create another function namedreplies which takes$commentId as a parameter. The function is more or less programmed in the same manner as the upper function get all comments.

protected function replies($commentId)
$comments = Comment::where('reply_id',$commentId)->get();
$replies = [];

foreach ($comments as $key) {
$user = User::find($key->users_id);
$name = $user->name;
$photo = $user->first()->photo_url;

$vote = 0;
$voteStatus = 0;
$spam = 0;

$voteByUser = CommentVote::where('comment_id',$key->id)->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->first();
$spamComment = CommentSpam::where('comment_id',$key->id)->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->first();

$vote = 1;
$voteStatus = $voteByUser->vote;

$spam = 1;

"name" => $name,
"photo_url" => $photo,
"commentid" => $key->id,
"comment" => $key->comment,
"votes" => $key->votes,
"votedByUser" => $vote,
"vote" => $voteStatus,
"spam" => $spam,
"date" => $key->created_at->toDateTimeString()


$collection = collect($replies);
return $collection->sortBy('votes');

Now lets create a functioncreate comment which passes$array as a parameter in it:

public function createComment($arary)
$comment = Comment::create($array);

return [ "status" => "true","commentId" => $comment->id ];
return [ "status" => "false" ];

Similarly, Now I will create all the function for comment in myCommentModel, so that all the functions gets accumulated in one model.

namespace App;

use App\Comment;
use App\CommentSpam;
use App\CommentVote;
use App\User;
use Auth;

class CommentModel
public function getAllComments($pageId)
$comments = Comment::where('page_id', $pageId)->get();

$commentsData = [];

foreach ($comments as $key) {
$user = User::find($key->users_id);
$name = $user->name;
$replies = $this->replies($key->id);
$photo = $user->first()->photo_url;
$reply = 0;
$vote = 0;
$voteStatus = 0;
$spam = 0;
if (Auth::user()) {
$voteByUser = CommentVote::where('comment_id', $key->id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
$spamComment = CommentSpam::where('comment_id', $key->id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();

if ($voteByUser) {
$vote = 1;
$voteStatus = $voteByUser->vote;

if ($spamComment) {
$spam = 1;

if (sizeof($replies) > 0) {
$reply = 1;

if (!$spam) {
array_push($commentsData, [
"name" => $name,
"photo_url" => (string) $photo,
"commentid" => $key->id,
"comment" => $key->comment,
"votes" => $key->votes,
"reply" => $reply,
"votedByUser" => $vote,
"vote" => $voteStatus,
"spam" => $spam,
"replies" => $replies,
"date" => $key->created_at->toDateTimeString(),

$collection = collect($commentsData);
return $collection->sortBy('votes');

protected function replies($commentId)
$comments = Comment::where('reply_id', $commentId)->get();
$replies = [];

foreach ($comments as $key) {
$user = User::find($key->users_id);
$name = $user->name;
$photo = $user->first()->photo_url;

$vote = 0;
$voteStatus = 0;
$spam = 0;

if (Auth::user()) {
$voteByUser = CommentVote::where('comment_id', $key->id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();
$spamComment = CommentSpam::where('comment_id', $key->id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first();

if ($voteByUser) {
$vote = 1;
$voteStatus = $voteByUser->vote;

if ($spamComment) {
$spam = 1;
if (!$spam) {

array_push($replies, [
"name" => $name,
"photo_url" => $photo,
"commentid" => $key->id,
"comment" => $key->comment,
"votes" => $key->votes,
"votedByUser" => $vote,
"vote" => $voteStatus,
"spam" => $spam,
"date" => $key->created_at->toDateTimeString(),


$collection = collect($replies);
return $collection->sortBy('votes');

public function createComment($arary)
$comment = Comment::create($array);

if ($comment) {
return ["status" => "true", "commentId" => $comment->id];
} else {
return ["status" => "false"];


public function voteComment($commentId, $array)
$comments = Comment::find($commentId);
$data = [
"comment_id" => $commentId,
'vote' => $array->vote,
'user_id' => $array->users_id,

if ($array->vote == "up") {
$comment = $comments->first();
$vote = $comment->votes;
$comments->votes = $vote;

if ($array->vote == "down") {
$comment = $comments->first();
$vote = $comment->votes;
$comments->votes = $vote;

if (CommentVote::create($data)) {
return true;


public function spamComment($commentId, $array)
$comments = Comment::find($commentId);

$comment = $comments->first();
$spam = $comment->spam;
$comments->spam = $spam;

$data = [
"comment_id" => $commentId,
'user_id' => $array->users_id,

if (CommentSpam::create($data)) {
return true;


Now we have all our required methods inCommentModel. So now let's clean upCommentController which is currently bit complex and lengthy in code structure. As right nowCommentController look like this:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\Comment;
use App\CommentVote;
use App\CommentSpam;
use App\User;
use Auth;

class CommentController extends Controller

public function index($pageId)
$comments = Comment::where('page_id',$pageId)->get();

$commentsData = [];

foreach ($comments as $key) {
$user = User::find($key->users_id);
$name = $user->name;
$replies = $this->replies($key->id);
$photo = $user->first()->photo_url;
$reply = 0;
$vote = 0;
$voteStatus = 0;
$spam = 0;
$voteByUser = CommentVote::where('comment_id',$key->id)->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->first();
$spamComment = CommentSpam::where('comment_id',$key->id)->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->first();

$vote = 1;
$voteStatus = $voteByUser->vote;

$spam = 1;

if(sizeof($replies) > 0){
$reply = 1;

"name" => $name,
"photo_url" => (string)$photo,
"commentid" => $key->id,
"comment" => $key->comment,
"votes" => $key->votes,
"reply" => $reply,
"votedByUser" =>$vote,
"vote" =>$voteStatus,
"spam" => $spam,
"replies" => $replies,
"date" => $key->created_at->toDateTimeString()

$collection = collect($commentsData);
return $collection->sortBy('votes');

protected function replies($commentId)
$comments = Comment::where('reply_id',$commentId)->get();
$replies = [];

foreach ($comments as $key) {
$user = User::find($key->users_id);
$name = $user->name;
$photo = $user->first()->photo_url;

$vote = 0;
$voteStatus = 0;
$spam = 0;

$voteByUser = CommentVote::where('comment_id',$key->id)->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->first();
$spamComment = CommentSpam::where('comment_id',$key->id)->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->first();

$vote = 1;
$voteStatus = $voteByUser->vote;

$spam = 1;

"name" => $name,
"photo_url" => $photo,
"commentid" => $key->id,
"comment" => $key->comment,
"votes" => $key->votes,
"votedByUser" => $vote,
"vote" => $voteStatus,
"spam" => $spam,
"date" => $key->created_at->toDateTimeString()


$collection = collect($replies);
return $collection->sortBy('votes');

public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'comment' => 'required',
'reply_id' => 'filled',
'page_id' => 'filled',
'users_id' => 'required',
$comment = Comment::create($request->all());
return [ "status" => "true","commentId" => $comment->id ];

public function update(Request $request, $commentId,$type)
if($type == "vote"){

$this->validate($request, [
'vote' => 'required',
'users_id' => 'required',

$comments = Comment::find($commentId);
$data = [
"comment_id" => $commentId,
'vote' => $request->vote,
'user_id' => $request->users_id,

if($request->vote == "up"){
$comment = $comments->first();
$vote = $comment->votes;
$comments->votes = $vote;

if($request->vote == "down"){
$comment = $comments->first();
$vote = $comment->votes;
$comments->votes = $vote;

return "true";

if($type == "spam"){

$this->validate($request, [
'users_id' => 'required',

$comments = Comment::find($commentId);

$comment = $comments->first();
$spam = $comment->spam;
$comments->spam = $spam;

$data = [
"comment_id" => $commentId,
'user_id' => $request->users_id,

return "true";

public function destroy($id)

After cleaning up the controller it will look much simpler and easy to understand like this:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\CommentModel;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class CommentController extends Controller

private $commentModel = null;
private function __construct()
$this->commentModel = new CommentModel();

public function index($pageId)
return $this->commentModel->getAllComments($pageId);

public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'comment' => 'required',
'reply_id' => 'filled',
'page_id' => 'filled',
'users_id' => 'required',
return $this->commentModel->createComment($request->all());

public function update(Request $request, $commentId, $type)
if ($type == "vote") {

$this->validate($request, [
'vote' => 'required',
'users_id' => 'required',

return $this->commentModel->voteComment($commentId, $request->all());

if ($type == "spam") {

$this->validate($request, [
'users_id' => 'required',

return $this->commentModel->spamComment($commentId, $request->all());


Wrap Up!

So Isn't it looking much cleaner and simpler to understand now? This is what actually a thin controller and fat model looks like. We have all our logic related to Comment system programmed in ourCommentModel and our controller is now just used to transfer data from the user to our model and returning the response which is coming from our model.

So this is how the structuring of the thin controller and fat model is made. Give your thoughts in the comments below.
7887 views · 5 years ago
Iterator in PHP

Every time I see this
$users = [new User(), new User()];

I see a lost opportunity to use Iterator.

Why Iterators?

Collections are an awesome way to organize your previously no-named array. There is a couple of reasons why you should use iterators. One of reason stays for behavior, you can specify exact behavior on standard calls such as next, current, valid etc. Other reason could be that you want to ensure that collection contains an only specific type of an object.

Understand a suffer from using an array of unknown value types.
Very common in the PHP world arrays are used to store all kind of data, in many dimensions in many nested forms. Arrays introduced infinite flexibility to the developer, but because of that, they become very evil.


- Your function (getUsers) returns an array of User objects.
- Another function (setUsersToActiveState) using getUsers output array and set all users active status to true.
- setUsersToActiveState loop through the array and expect to call a specific method on array item. For example, the method name is getActiveStatus.
- If given array is an array of desired objects which have a callable method getActiveStatus, all fine. But if not exception will be thrown.
- How we can ensure that given array is always an array of objects of a specific type?

public function getUsers(): array

return $userArray;

public function setUsersToActiveState()
$users = $this->getUsers();

foreach ($users as $user) {
if(!$user->getActiveStatus()) {

There immediately two problems occurred.
    . One is the problem of type. Our IDE doesn't know what's inside array of $users, so because of that IDE can't suggest us how to use $user element. (I put this comment block above foreach, it works for phpStorm and I guess for some other IDEs)
    . Your colleagues! How they possibly know what's inside array if there is no any hint.
    . Bonus problem, getUsers can return literally any array and there won't be warning in the system.


class UsersCollection implements \IteratorAggregate

private $users = [];

public function getIterator() : UserIterator
return new UserIterator($this);

public function getUser($position)
if (isset($this->users[$position])) {
return $this->users[$position];

return null;

public function count() : int
return count($this->users);

public function addUser(User $users)
$this->users[] = $users;

class UserIterator implements \Iterator

private $position = 0;

private $userCollection;

public function __construct(UsersCollection $userCollection)
$this->userCollection = $userCollection;

public function current() : User
return $this->userCollection->getUser($this->position);

public function next()

public function key() : int
return $this->position;

public function valid() : bool
return !is_null($this->userCollection->getUser($this->position));

public function rewind()
$this->position = 0;


Off course there is the tests to ensure that our Collection and Iterator works like a charm. For this example I using syntax for PHPUnit framework.

class UsersCollectionTest extends TestCase

public function testUsersCollectionShouldReturnNullForNotExistingUserPosition()
$usersCollection = new UsersCollection();

$this->assertEquals(null, $usersCollection->getUser(1));

public function testEmptyUsersCollection()
$usersCollection = new UsersCollection();

$this->assertEquals(new UserIterator($usersCollection), $usersCollection->getIterator());

$this->assertEquals(0, $usersCollection->count());

public function testUsersCollectionWithUserElements()
$usersCollection = new UsersCollection();

$this->assertEquals(new UserIterator($usersCollection), $usersCollection->getIterator());
$this->assertEquals($this->getUserMock(), $usersCollection->getUser(1));
$this->assertEquals(2, $usersCollection->count());

private function getUserMock()

class UserIteratorTest extends MockClass

public function testCurrent()
$iterator = $this->getIterator();
$current = $iterator->current();

$this->assertEquals($this->getUserMock(), $current);

public function testNext()
$iterator = $this->getIterator();

$this->assertEquals(1, $iterator->key());

public function testKey()
$iterator = $this->getIterator();


$this->assertEquals(2, $iterator->key());

public function testValidIfItemInvalid()
$iterator = $this->getIterator();


$this->assertEquals(false, $iterator->valid());

public function testValidIfItemIsValid()
$iterator = $this->getIterator();


$this->assertEquals(true, $iterator->valid());

public function testRewind()
$iterator = $this->getIterator();


$this->assertEquals(0, $iterator->key());

private function getIterator() : UserIterator
return new UserIterator($this->getCollection());

private function getCollection() : UsersCollection
$userItems[] = $this->getUserMock();
$userItems[] = $this->getUserMock();

$usersCollection = new UsersCollection();

foreach ($userItems as $user) {

return $usersCollection;

private function getUserMock()


public function getUsers(): UsersCollection
$userCollection = new UsersCollection();

foreach ($whatIGetFromDatabase as $user) {
return $userCollection;

public fucntion setUsersToActiveState()
$users = $this->getUsers();

foreach ($users as $user) {
if(!$user->getActiveStatus()) {

As you can see setUsersToActiveState remains the same, we only do not need to specify for our IDE or collagues what type $users variable is.

Extending functionalities

Believe or not you can reuse this two objects and just change names of variables to fit most of the needs. But if you want any more complex functionality, than feel free to add it in iterator or collection.

Example 1

For example, let's say that userCollection accepts only users with age more than 18. Implementation will happen in UsersCollection class in the method addUser.

 public function addUser(User $users)
if ($user->getAge() > 18) {
$this->users[] = $users;

Example 2

You need to add bulk users. Then you can expand your userCollection with additional method addUsers and it might look like this.

public function addUsers(array $users)
foreach($users as $user) {
$this->addUser(User $users);

6999 views · 5 years ago
Custom extension to Laravel Application class

Hello folks! This post is for those of you using Laravel. This beautiful framework makes web development super-easy compared to most of competitors. In the heart of Laravel is the Application class, which is responsible for bootstrapping, registering services and also serves as a dependency injection container. What I do with my Laravel apps, is that I take a slight detour from the common path by adding a custom Application class. While this is not really necessary, I find this approach nice, and will try to share my thought below.

It's normal practice in Laravel world to build all kinds of objects like this:

$cache = app("cache");

I find it a bit confusing to call app("cache"") and expect a Cache\Repository instance as result. If I pass the result of this call to a function that requires a Cache\Repository as parameter, I will probably have a code inspection warning from IDE. Moreover, if I want proper autocompletion, I will have to add additional comment:

$cache = app("cache");

This is where a custom application class might be handy:

namespace App;
class MyApp extends Application
public function cacheRepository(): Repository
return $this->make(Repository::class);

This way I get a TypeError in case of a misconfiguration, and I have a type-hint which allows the IDE to recognize the return value. Bye-bye nasty comment lines and IDE warnings! I make a method per service, with type-hints, like dbConnection() or viewFactory() - works really well for me!

I also thought that, if I have a custom class, then all the custom setup that normally you have in bootstrap/app.php, should reside in that custom class:

namespace App;
class MyApp extends Application
public function __construct()
define('LARAVEL_START', microtime(true));
define("APP_ROOT", realpath(__DIR__ . "/../"));
private function setUp()

Then your bootstrap/app.php becomes just this:

return new \App\MyApp;

The Laravel app() function will also return an instance of MyApp from now on. However, it's @phpdoc says it returns \Illuminate\Foundation\Application, so for better clarity, I also added my own accessor method:

namespace App;
class MyApp extends Application
public static function app(): self

$ret = parent::getInstance();
return $ret;

I tend to limit the use of global/static functions and methods, but sometimes it can be handy, and whenever I need an instance of MyApp, I just call MyApp::app(). The IDE wil be aware of the return type due to the type-hint, so I get everything I want for clean and clear development.

With your projects in Laravel, you may or may not want to follow this particular advice, but just be aware that extending a framework built-in classes for your team's comfort, is definitely something that can make your life easier. See you around, don't forget to leave comments!
9822 views · 5 years ago
Conferences are always looking for speakers - it can be hard to keep track of them all and the requirements they have. I wanted to put together this quick guide to make it easy for you to apply. Make sure to apply because as Wayne Gretzky said “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”!!!

phpDay 2019

First we have phpDay 2019 which will take place on May 10 & 11 at Hotel San Marco in Verona, Italy. Some facts about this call for papers:
*Submission deadline: February 4, 2019
*Submit via:
* For more info on the conference:
* Twitter: (@phpday)
* Speaker package includes: Full conference pass (jsDay + phpDay), speaker dinner the first night, lunch, reception and activities included in regular conference.
* For speakers remote to the Area: A refund of up to €200 for travel costs (or €500 from US or extra-EU), 2 complimentary hotel nights (+1 hotel night for speakers presenting multiple talks or US/extra-EU) and Taxi fare from/to the airport.
*In Submission: make sure your talk title and abstract define the exact topic you want to talk about and what you hope people will learn from the session.
*Talk Ideas: APIs (REST, SOAP, etc.), Architectures, Continuous Delivery, Databases, Development, Devops, Frameworks, Internals, PHP 7.x / PHP 8, Security, Testing and UI/UX.


Next we have ScotlandPHP which will take place on November 8 & 9 at Edinburgh International Conference Centre in Edinburgh, Scotland.
*Submission deadline: April 22, 2019
*Submit via:
* For more info on the conference:
* Twitter: (@scotlandphp)
* Speaker package: Full conference pass, lunch, receptions and activities included in regular conference.
* For speakers remote to the Area: Complimentary airfare/travel, 2 complimentary hotel nights and we'll pick you up and drop you off to/from the airport so you don't have to worry about it.
* Speakers will be provided with a projector, a wireless lapel microphone and a screen for their presentation (size depends on the room). Speakers should bring any equipment they need to connect to projectors (VGA). It is also suggested that you reduce your dependency on the in-house internet connection as possible. We will however provide HDMI and Mini Display Port connections for all speakers on request. If you need something different or your selected talk needs audio equipment just let us know. We'll work it out.
* Looking for talks and workshops (November 8th).
*Talk Ideas: Virtualization and environments, Javascript, Alternate PHP run-times, PHP internals, Development principles, Security, Mobile-first design, Testing (unit, functional, etc.), Version control, User Experience/Usability, Building APIs (REST, SOAP, whatever), Continuous Integration, Framework-related topics, and Professional development.

Global diversity CFP day

In 2019 there will be numerous workshops hosted around the globe encouraging and advising newbie speakers to put together your very first talk proposal and share your own individual perspective on any subject of interest to people in tech.
* Twitter: (@gdcfpday)
*Save the Date: March 2, 2019
*Register here:


Then there is CoderCruise which will take place on August 19-23. It's a cruise that takes off from Port Canaveral, Florida and goes to the Bahamas.
* Twitter: (@codercruise)
*Submission deadline: March 3, 2019
*Submit via:
* For more info on the conference:
* This is a polyglot conference so looking for speakers on a wide variety of languages (PHP, JavaScript, Java, Python, etc.) and on various tech topics.

PHP Conference Asia 2019

There is also PHP Conference Asia 2019, which will take place on June 24-25 at Microsot Singapore.
*Submission deadline: March 8, 2019
*Submit via:
* For more info on the conference:
* Twitter: (@PHPConfAsia)
* Speaker package includes: Speaker package: Full conference pass, lunch, receptions and activities included in regular conference. We'll pick you up and drop you off to/from the airport so you don't have to worry about it. Speakers' dinner on the first evening of the conference (24th June 2019). Transport to and from the conference venue will be included
* For speakers remote to the Area: 2 complimentary hotel nights and
we can consider providing grants to partially cover the air-fare for speakers who might have financial difficulties. This is on a case-by-case basis.
* Speakers will be provided with a projector, a wireless hand-held microphone and a screen for their presentation. Speakers should prepare their slides in 4x3 aspect ratio. Speakers should bring any equipment they need to connect to projectors (HDMI). It is also suggested that you reduce your dependency on the in-house internet connection as possible.
*In Submission: Make sure your talk title and abstract define the exact topic you want to talk about and what you hope people will learn from the session.
*Talk Ideas: Virtualization and environments, Javascript, Alternate PHP run-times, PHP internals, Development principles, Security, Mobile-first design, Testing (unit, functional, etc.), Version control, User Experience/Usability, Building APIs (REST, SOAP, whatever), Continuous Integration, Framework-related topics, and Professional development.

Cascadia PHP

Another conference to apply to is Cascadia PHP, which will take place on September 19-21 at University Place Hotel & Conference Center in Portland, Oregon.
*Submission deadline: April 15, 2019
*Submit via:
* For more info on the conference:
* Twitter: (@CascadiaPHP)
* Speaker package includes: Speaker package: Full conference pass, lunch, receptions and activities included in regular conference. For speakers remote to the Area: Complimentary airfare/travel, 2 complimentary hotel nights and we'll pick you up and drop you off to/from the airport so you don't have to worry about it.
Speakers will be provided with a projector, a wireless lapel microphone and a screen for their presentation (size depends on the room). Speakers should bring any equipment they need to connect to projectors (VGA). It is also suggested that you reduce your dependency on the in-house internet connection as possible.
*In Submission: make sure your talk title and abstract define the exact topic you want to talk about and what you hope people will learn from the session.
*Talk Ideas: PHP internals, Version control, Framework-related topics, Building APIs (REST, SOAP, whatever), Mobile-first design, Professional development, Testing (unit, functional, etc.), Alternate PHP run-times, Development principles, Continuous Integration, Getting involved in the PHP community, User Experience/Usability, Technology at large, Security, Connecting to Different APIs, Development Tools, Virtualization and environments, Javascript, Modern hosting practices, Language Features, Databases, Refactoring legacy applications, Running/contributing to open source projects, AI and AR, and User Groups.

Nomad PHP

Last but not least - this is an ongoing call for papers. This is perfect if you want to present from the comfort of your office, home or really wherever you are. It’s via RingCentral meetings and will be live and recorded. This is for none other than Nomad PHP.
* Twitter: (@nomadphp)
* Deadline: Anytime :D
* Talk length: 45 - 60 minutes.
* Talks should be unique to Nomad PHP and not available in video format online.
* Talk should not be recorded or made available elsewhere online for at least 3 months following your talk.
* The talk will be featured on our page and promoted via social media.
* Speakers will receive a financial stipend.
* Upon being selected we will reach out with further details.
*Talk ideas: AI & Machine Learning, APIs, Containerization, Databases, DevOps, Documentation, Frameworks, Performance, Security, Serverless, Testing, Tools, Upgrading/ Modernization, and more.
*Submit here:
Now that you have some information - make sure to apply to all of these options! Can't wait to see all of your awesome talks you present :D!
27626 views · 5 years ago
Introduction to Gitlab CI for PHP developers
As a developer, you've probably at least heard something about CI - Continuous integration. And if you haven't - you better fix it ASAP, because that's something awesome to have on your skill list and can get extremely helpful in your everyday work. This post will focus on CI for PHP devs, and specifically, on CI implementation from Gitlab. I will suppose you know the basics of Git, PHP, PHPUnit, Docker and unix shell. Intended audience - intermediate PHP devs.
Adding something to your workflow must serve a purpose. In this case the goal is to automate routine tasks and achieve better quality control. Even a basic PHP project IMO needs the following:
* linter) checks (cannot merge changes that are invalid on the syntax level)
* Code style checks
* Unit and integration tests
All of those can be just run eventually, of course. But I prefer an automated CI approach even in my personal projects because it leads to a higher level of discipline, you simply can't avoid following a set of rules that you've developed. Also, it reduces a risk of releasing a bug or regression, thus improving quality.
Gitlab is as generous as giving you their CI for free, even for your private repos. At this point it is starting to look as advertising, therefore a quick comparison table for Gitlab, Github, Bitbucket. AFAIK, Github does not have a built-in solution, instead it is easily integrated with third parties, of which Travis CI seems to be the most popular - I will therefore mention Travis here.

Public repositories (OSS projects). All 3 providers have a free offer for the open-source community!

| Provider | Limits |
| Gitlab | 2,000 CI pipeline minutes per group per month, shared runners |
| Travis | Apparently unlimited |
| Bitbucket| 50 min/month, max 5 users, File storage <= 1Gb/month |

Private repositories

| Provider | Price | Limits |
| Gitlab | Free | 2,000 CI pipeline minutes per group per month, shared runners |
| Travis | $69/month | Unlimited builds, 1 job at a time |
| Bitbucket| Free | 50 min/month, max 5 users, File storage <= 1Gb/month |

Getting started

I made a small project based on Laravel framework and called it "ci-showcase". I work in Linux environment, and the commands I use in the examples, are for linux shell. They should be pretty much the same on Mac and nearly the same on Windows though.
composer create-project laravel/laravel ci-showcase

Next, I went to gitlab website and created a new public project: Cloned the repo and copied all files and folders from the newly created project - the the new git repo. In the root folder, I placed a .gitignore file:

Then the .env file:

Then I generated the application encryption key: php artisan key:generate, and then I wanted to verify that the primary setup works as expected: ./vendor/bin/phpunit, which produced the output OK (2 tests, 2 assertions). Nice, time to commit this: git commit &amp;&amp; git push

At this point, we don't yet have any CI, let's do something about it!

Adding .gitlab-ci.yml

Everyone going to implement CI with Gitlab, is strongly encouraged to bookmark this page: I will simply provide a short introduction course here plus a bit of boilerplate code to get you started easier.
First QA check that we're going to add is PHP syntax check. PHP has a built-in linter, which you can invoke like this: php -l my-file.php. This is what we're going to use. Because the php -l command doesn't support multiple files as arguments, I've written a small wrapper shell script and saved it to ci/
files=<code>sh ci/ | xargs</code>last_status=0
# Loop through changed PHP files and run php -l on each
for f in "$files" ; do message=<code>php -l $f</code> last_status="$?" if [ "$last_status" -ne "0" ]; then # Anything fails -> the whole thing fails echo "PHP Linter is not happy about $f: $message" status="$last_status" fi
if [ "$status" -ne "0" ]; then echo "PHP syntax validation failed!"
exit $status

Most of the time, you don't actually want to check each and every PHP file that you have. Instead, it's better to check only those files that have been changed. The Gitlab pipeline runs on every push to the repository, and there is a way to know which PHP files have been changed. Here's a simple script, meet ci/
# What's happening here?
# 1. We get names and statuses of files that differ in current branch from their state in origin/master.
# These come in form (multiline)
# 2. The output from git diff is filtered by unix grep utility, we only need files with names ending in .php
# 3. One more filter: filter *out* (grep -v) all lines starting with R or D.
# D means "deleted", R means "renamed"
# 4. The filtered status-name list is passed on to awk command, which is instructed to take only the 2nd part
# of every line, thus just the filename
git diff --name-status origin/master | grep '\.php$' | grep -v "^[RD]" | awk '{ print }'

These scripts can easily be tested in your local environment ( at least if you have a Linux machine, that is ;-) ).
Now, as we have our first check, we'll finally create our .gitlab-ci.yml. This is where your pipeline is declared using YAML notation:
# we're using this beautiful tool for our pipeline:
image: jakzal/phpqa:alpine
# For this sample pipeline, we'll only have 1 stage, in real-world you would like to also add at least "deploy"
stages: - QA
stage: QA
# this is the main part: what is actually executed
script: - sh ci/ | xargs sh ci/

The first line is image: jakzal/phpqa:alpine and it's telling Gitlab that we want to run our pipeline using a PHP-QA utility by jakzal. It is a docker image containing PHP and a huge variety of QA-tools. We declare one stage - QA, and this stage by now has just a single job named linter. Every job can have it's own docker image, but we don't need that for the purpose of this tutorial. Our project reaches Step 2. Once I had pushed these changes, I immediately went to the project's CI/CD page. Aaaand.... the pipeline was already running! I clicked on the linter job and saw the following happy green output:
Running with gitlab-runner 11.9.0-rc2 (227934c0) on docker-auto-scale ed2dce3a
Using Docker executor with image jakzal/phpqa:alpine ...
Pulling docker image jakzal/phpqa:alpine ...
Using docker image sha256:12bab06185e59387a4bf9f6054e0de9e0d5394ef6400718332c272be8956218f for jakzal/phpqa:alpine ...
Running on runner-ed2dce3a-project-11318734-concurrent-0 via runner-ed2dce3a-srm-1552606379-07370f92...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/crocodile2u/ci-showcase/.git/
Fetching changes...
Created fresh repository.
From * [new branch] master -> origin/master * [new branch] step-1 -> origin/step-1 * [new branch] step-2 -> origin/step-2
Checking out 1651a4e3 as step-2...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ sh ci/ | xargs sh ci/
Job succeeded

It means that our pipeline was successfully created and run!

PHP Code Sniffer.

PHP Code Sniffer is a tool for keeping app of your PHP files in one uniform code style. It has a hell of customizations and settings, but here we will only perform simple check for compatibilty with PSR-2 standard. A good practice is to create a configuration XML file in your project. I will put it in the root folder. Code sniffer can use a few file names, of which I prefer phpcs.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

I also will append another section to .gitlab-ci.yml:
code-style:	stage: QA	script:	# Variable $files will contain the list of PHP files that have changes	- files=<code>sh ci/</code> # If this list is not empty, we execute the phpcs command on all of them - if [ ! -z "$files" ]; then echo $files | xargs phpcs; fi

Again, we check only those PHP files that differ from master branch, and pass their names to phpcs utility. That's it, Step 3 is finished! If you go to see the pipeline now, you will notice that linter and code-style jobs run in parallel.

Adding PHPUnit

Unit and integration tests are essential for a successful and maintaiable modern software project. In PHP world, PHPUnit is de facto standard for these purposes. The PHPQA docker image already has PHPUnit, but that's not enough. Our project is based on Laravel, which means it depends on a bunch of third-party libraries, Laravel itself being one of them. Those are installed into vendor folder with composer. You might have noticed that our .gitignore file has vendor folder as one of it entries, which means that it is not managed by the Version Control System. Some prefer their dependencies to be part of their Git repository, I prefer to have only the composer.json declarations in Git. Makes the repo much much smaller than the other way round, also makes it easy to avoid bloating your production builds with libraries only needed for development.
Composer is also included into PHPQA docker image, and we can enrich our .gitlab-ci.yml:
test:	stage: QA	cache:	key: dependencies-including-dev	paths: - vendor/	script:	- composer install	- ./vendor/bin/phpunit

PHPUnit requires some configuration, but in the very beginning we used composer create-project to create our project boilerplate.laravel/laravel package has a lot of things included in it, and phpunit.xml is also one of them. All I had to do was to add another line to it:

APP_KEY enironment variable is essential for Laravel to run, so I generated a key with php artisan key:generate.
git commit & git push, and we have all three jobs on theQA stage!

Checking that our checks work

In this branch I intentionally added changes that should fail all three job in our pipeline, take a look at git diff. And we have this out from the pipeline stages:Linter:
$ ci/
PHP Linter is not happy about app/User.php:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'syntax' (T_STRING), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) in app/User.php on line 11
Errors parsing app/User.php
PHP syntax validation failed!
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 255

$ if [ ! -z "$files" ]; then echo $files | xargs phpcs; fi
FILE: ...ilds/crocodile2u/ci-showcase/app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php
---------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 | WARNING | Line exceeds 120 characters; contains 129 characters
Time: 39ms; Memory: 6MB
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 123

$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
PHPUnit 7.5.6 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
F. 2 / 2 (100%)
Time: 102 ms, Memory: 14.00 MB
There was 1 failure:
1) Tests\Unit\ExampleTest::testBasicTest
This test is now failing
Failed asserting that false is true.
Tests: 2, Assertions: 2, Failures: 1.
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Congratulations, our pipeline is running, and we now have much less chance of messing up the result of our work.


Now you know how to set up a basic QA pipeline for your PHP project. There's still a lot to learn. Pipeline is a powerful tool. For instance, it can make deployments to different environments for you. Or it can build docker images, store artifacts and more! Sounds cool? Then spend 5 minutes of your time and leave a comment, you can also tell me if there is a pipeline topic you would like to be covered in next posts.


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