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5771 views · 4 years ago
New Beta: Transcriptions and Closed Captioning

With the mission of making technology more accessible, I'm pleased to announce a beta of transcriptions and closed captioning on select videos.

This beta offers a more in-depth look into videos before watching them, the ability to dig into the video's text afterwards for review, and the ability to watch the video with closed captioning assistance.

Closed Captioning may be enabled on the video player by clicking the [cc] icon and selecting your preferred language (at this time, only English is supported). You may also find a transcription of the talk below the description for more insight into the talk before watching, or to find specific information/ sections afterwards for review.

Example of Captions and Transcriptions

As our first attempt at transcriptions and closed captions, it won't be perfect, but if it is beneficial this is something we hope to bring to all future videos, and selectively add closed captioning to past videos based on demand and availability.


Today the following videos are available to watch with closed captioning:

* Data Lakes in AWS
* The Dark Corners of the SPL
* Git Legit
* Advanced WordPress Plugin Creation
* The Faster Web Meets Lean and Mean PHP


Closed Captioning for Live Events

Unfortunately, at this time we are not able to offer closed captioning for live events including our monthly meetings, workshops, and streamed conferences. This is an area we are continuing to look into, and working on identifying partners to make possible in the future.


Providing Feedback/ Requesting Closed Captioning

If you have a specific request for a video you would like to see closed captioned, please let us know using the Nomad PHP feedback form.


Next on the Roadmap

Also look for these new features coming over the next several months:
* Lightning talks
* Team management for team account owners
* Mobile Apps for Android/ iOS with offline viewing


    PHP Tutorials and Videos