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6218 views · 5 years ago
Press Release

To say that we have been hard at work here at Nomad PHP, or that I'm excited about these three announcements would be a tremendous understatement. Over the past several months, behind the scenes, we've been working to bring even more features and benefits to Nomad PHP - these have already included unlimited streaming of all past meetings and access to PHP Architect.

Available today, however, you'll also have access to online, live workshops - as well as soon have the ability to stream select PHP conferences live, and finally to prove the knowledge you have gained through our online certification.

Online, Live Workshops

Like our online meetings, we are excited to announce that available today you can participate in online, live, and interactive workshops. Our first workshop will feature Michael Stowe, author of Undisturbed REST: a guide to Designing the Perfect API as he demonstrates how to build the perfect API using modern technologies and techniques.

Additional workshops will be announced as we continue, with a minimum of one workshop per quarter. These workshops will be part of your Nomad PHP subscription, and will be recorded for later viewing.

Nomad PHP Certification

With the many changes impacting the PHP ecosystem, we're proud to announce the ability to prove your knowledge with our online certification. Each certification is made up numerous, randomly selected questions to be completed within a specific time frame. Depending on the exam it may or may not be proctored, but all exams monitor user activity to ensure compliance.

To pass the exam, a passing grade (specified on each exam) must be completed for each section within the allotted time frame. Failure to complete or pass any section will result in a failing grade for the entire exam.

Upon completion, you will receive a digital certification with verification to post on LinkedIn or your website, as well as having your Nomad PHP updated to show the passed certification.

Initial certification exams will include PHP Developer Level I, PHP Engineer Level II, and API Specialist Level I. The PHP Developer exam will cover core components of PHP, the Engineer will cover a broad spectrum of topics including modern technologies, and the API Specialist will cover REST design and architecture practices.

All three exams will be available by January 31, 2019, and will be included with a Nomad PHP subscription.

Stream Select PHP Conferences Live

One of the primary goals of Nomad PHP is to bring the community together, and allow users all over the country to participate in conference level talks. What better way to do this than to bring community conferences online?

Like our traditional talks, these conferences and select conference sessions will be live-streamed as part of your Nomad PHP subscription, allowing you to participate in real-time with in-person conference attendees.

The first conference to be streamed will be DayCamp4Developers: Beyond Performance on January 18, 2018. Additional conferences to be streamed will be announced shortly.

Community and Corporate Sponsorships

With these new additions to Nomad PHP, now is the perfect time to take advantage of our new Community and Corporate sponsorships.

Your support of Nomad PHP not only makes all the above possible, but allows Nomad PHP to continue to serve and give back the community. We're proud, that despite operating at a loss, to have already contributed over$4,000 to the PHP community in the last 5 months.

To learn more about the sponsorship and community opportunities we have available, please visit our Advertising section.

Other Ways to Support Nomad PHP

Of course, while financial support helps us keep afloat and do more for the community, there are even more, and just as important ways to support Nomad PHP. Please consider linking to Nomad PHP, or sharing the service with your friends.
6005 views · 3 years ago
A Beginners Guide To Artificial Intelligence For Web Developers

Artificial Intelligence has significantly transformed the way we work and interpret information. With technologies such as OCR, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision; machines are now able to provide greater insights and perform tasks that typically required hours and hours of work from humans.

What is artificial intelligence?

A.I. or artificial intelligence is the technology that enables machines to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. But instead of using human brains, A.I. uses different technologies such as computers, or even software algorithms, to perform tasks. Some of the most common A.I. technologies include speech recognition, voice recognition, machine translation, natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive analytics. The term artificial intelligence comes from the combination of artificial and intelligence. While artificial intelligence is a property of the physical world, intelligence is the property of the mind. How does it make sense in Web Development? As mentioned earlier, A.I. has significantly transformed the way we work and interpret information.

How is AI applied to web development?

In the majority of cases, AI is used to assist a developer in a number of functions: Automatically format existing content, analyze images for semantic meaning Break down complex tasks into smaller pieces Example applications of AI in web development Example image compression algorithms. Tools such as image recognition and machine learning have been key factors in the development of new image processing algorithms. Traditionally, manually processing an image was a lengthy and tedious process, but when computer vision was introduced into the process it drastically decreased the amount of time required to complete this task. Now, programs such as image recognition can identify objects in images and classify them based on both visual and metadata attributes.

Machine learning

When data is fed into a machine learning algorithm, the machine learns to understand it. For instance, if you provide a machine learning algorithm examples of dogs verses blueberries, the machine will learn to identify what a picture of a blueberry looks like, verses a picture of a dog. Natural Language Processing Natural language processing is a sub-field of machine learning. You can apply natural language processing for reading emails, chatting, or writing blog posts (such as this one!). A good example of natural language processing in action can be found in Microsoft's Cortana. Deep learning This is the most popular type of artificial intelligence today.

Deep learning

Deep learning algorithms are very similar to how the human brain works, with its built in mechanisms to learn and memorise a vast amount of information. It's these connections that enable machines to be able to recognise patterns and learn from them. An example of this is Google Translate, which recognises more than a 1,000 languages. This isn't an example of AI but it shows how useful these programs can be. Deep learning is one of the hottest technologies in the field of machine learning and this explains why almost all of the major technology companies are pushing these advances forward.

Natural language processing

For example, your phone can understand you better when you speak to it. If you say “Hey, Siri,” your phone will listen to you and respond to your questions. In general, it means that the system has been trained and is able to better understand the context of what you’re trying to communicate. This type of Natural Language Processing is used in the majority of companies today, including the likes of Google and Apple, to improve the user experience, provide better customer service, and to aid in the effective execution of processes. Machine learning Machine Learning is an extremely powerful technique used to further improve the knowledge of artificial intelligence, as well as to make machines smarter by discovering patterns and generalities in vast amounts of data.

Computer vision

Computer vision is a technology that has been able to recognize objects in images and video for eons. A popular example is Apple's Siri, which was one of the first software to use computer vision to provide contextual awareness. AI is built on this technology, providing the capability to recognize various images and videos. The industry is still in its infancy, but what we have seen so far has been incredibly incredible. What's amazing is that just a few years ago we thought that vision was completely under our control, but now, it has evolved to understand the nuances of objects.


“In the year 2050, the Amazon book you ordered for your Kindle will be delivered by a drone.”

This futuristic statement by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos did leave you pondering. But it is one thing to dream about the future and another thing to think about the innovations taking place in the present and how you can exploit them to drive better business results. To make the most of the technologies coming to our everyday lives, we must acquire a knowledge of the AI technology, its features, and its application. Succeeding in today’s competitive and challenging business world, requires a broad set of skills such as coding, business analysis, computer programming, and ecommerce marketing.

Learn more about AI with our video library
5325 views · 6 months ago

To bridge the gap between web-based and cloud-based applications, businesses often rely on skilled DevOps developers. These professionals play a crucial role in ensuring seamless integration, efficient customization, and robust back-end infrastructure for applications. The expertise of DevOps developers is indispensable for optimizing development workflows and enhancing collaboration between development and operations teams in the dynamic landscape of app development services.

In the realm of cloud computing, web based application in cloud computing play a pivotal role. Technically, web apps, as the name suggests, are applications hosted on remote servers & accessible through web browsers. On the other hand, cloud-based apps are web applications that come with advanced functionalities & elaborate compatibility.

In the realm of contemporary software development, the demand for innovative solutions is evident in the competition between web and cloud-based applications. These two platforms share similarities but diverge significantly in crucial aspects. This article will delve into the distinctions between web-based and cloud-based applications, exploring facets such as back-end infrastructure, scalability, and technical perspectives, shedding light on the nuances that developers navigate in this dynamic landscape, including the pivotal role of technologies like chatbot development.
What Is a Web Application?

A web-based app is an application designed and developed for the web browser. Unlike cloud based application development, the web app completely depends on the web server for functionality & processing. This application program is mainly stored on the remote server & delivered through a web browser interface over the internet. According to web application development company, web apps have client-server architecture & their codes are divided into 2 major components – server-side architecture & client-side architecture.

Server-side architecture: The server-side architecture or script usually deals with data processing. The web server can process a client request & send a response back. This web app architecture defines a simultaneous interaction between database instances, components, user interfaces, middleware systems, and servers.

Client-side architecture: The client-side architecture mainly deals with interface functionalities such as drop-down boxes and buttons. When a user clicks on the link, the browser will start loading the client-side script & rendering a text and graphic element for interaction.
Types of Web Apps
Nowadays, many businesses are already adopting various kinds of web-based applications because of their several advantages, features, and functionalities. 8 most popular types of web apps include:
    . Static Web Apps
Static web applications, constructed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, lack the flexibility of dynamic counterparts. These web based services provide content directly to users without requiring server-side modifications, resulting in simplicity and straightforward development. Key benefits of these apps include:
Very fast load time
Highly secure
Less complex to build
    . Dynamic Web Apps
This is a complex type that provides real-time data based on the server response and the user’s request. Dynamic web apps can be developed either as a conventional website with several pages and levels of navigation or as a single-page web application. They use several server-side and client-side languages to create web pages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, etc. Key benefits of dynamic web apps include:
Wider audience reach
Scalable in comparison to static web apps
Very flexible in terms of a new content update
    . Single Page Apps
A single page web app entirely runs on the browser & never requires browser reloading. This is actually a dynamic web app that manages all data on a single HTML page. This type of web app is faster than traditional websites as its logic is implemented in the browser directly than a server. Gmail, Netflix, Pinterest & Paypal are the best examples of single page applications. Key benefits include:
Enhanced user experience
Minimized server load
Improved app performance
    . Multiple-Page Apps
Multiple page apps are designed multiple pages separately and combined to form a website. They have different pages with static information like texts & images. Web based app development companies recommend using multiple-page apps as they offer excellent control over search engine optimization techniques. Major benefits of Multiple page apps include:
Ideal for SEO
Quick browser back or forward navigation
Simple to develop
    . Animated Web Apps
This is a type of web application that effectively supports synchronization & animation on the web platform. These applications are widely used by freelancers and creative companies to present their creativity better. Technically, JavaScript, HTML5, FLASH, and CSS are used to create animated web applications. Key benefits of AWAs include
Improved User Engagement
Enhanced Navigation
Excellent Branding
    . Web Apps with CMS
In this web application, content is updated constantly. It helps to manage, modify and create digital content with ease. WordPress is one of the best examples of CMS web applications. A variety of languages are used to create content management systems such as C#, PHP, Java, and Python. Key advantages of CMS web apps include:
Quick content creation & management
Efficient & quick updates
A vast range of features
    . E-commerce Web Apps
It’s a complicated and advanced dynamic web application that allows users to buy & sell goods electronically. These web based services encompass transaction and payment integration as key components, facilitating seamless order processing, payment acceptance, and logistical management for businesses involved in online commerce. Key benefits of these web apps include:
Scale business quickly
Offers customer insights through tracking & analytics
Sell goods across the world
    . Progressive Web Apps
Progressive web apps or PWAs are also called cross-platform web apps usually built with HTML, CSS, & JavaScript. PWAs use different features, APIs, and progressive methods to deliver a seamless experience. Progressive web apps boost the adaptability and speed of web applications. These apps are still easy to access if internet connectivity is poor. Key benefits of progressive web apps include:
Fast loading time
No installation required
Quickly respond to user interactions
Enhanced cross-platform conversion

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Widely Used In
Dynamic web apps
Social media
IT Industry
Logistics and transportations
Retail and ecommerce sectors
Directly manage websites to update & change the information
Quick user management to protect servers & control all website users
Static web apps
Book publishing sectors
Works in offline mode
No 3rd party software installation required to access web apps
Single page apps
Email service
Communication sectors
Allows navigation & optimized routing experience
Keeps visual structure of web apps consistently through presentation logic
Multiple page apps
E-commerce sectors
Enterprise industries
Enables optimizing every page for the search engine
Allows users to access other pages
Animated web apps
Gaming industries
Hold user attention for a very long time due to its attractive approach & unique design
Aspect ratios, landscape orientations, portrait, and viewing distances & different pixel densities are considered
Web apps with CMS
Blogging platforms
Sales & marketing platform
News portals
Easily organizes the web content Offers group & user functionality
Simple language support & integration
E-commerce web apps
E-commerce sectors
Allows sellers to sell products using a single platform
Helps you expand business globally & reach maximum audience
Progressive Web Apps
Retail and e-commerce
Logistics and transportations
Social media
IT sectors
Responsive & Browser Compatibility Works in online & offline mode
Updates with no user interaction

Key Benefits of Web Apps
Web apps enable businesses to interact with their customers more efficiently. These applications can make it easy to track & measure data that are essential to keep business operations streamlined. Key advantages of web apps include:
Easily accessible through any kind of web browser
Runs on multiple platforms that make it cross-platform compatible
Minimizes the risk of compatibility issues
Requires less maintenance & support from the developer’s end
Helps to ease usability for the customers
Effectively eliminates hard drive space limitations
Apps can be maintained & updated without software reinstallation on several devices
Offers high scalability and flexibility
Simple to deploy, maintain, and update
The cost of routine maintenance is minimized as the data is stored on remote servers
What is a Cloud Based App?
These apps are online software programs with elements accessible via a local server and executed on the cloud environment. As internet-based software, cloud applications are stored in the remote data center & handled by cloud-service providers. These apps are used for file sharing & storage, order entry, word processing, inventory management, financial accounting, customer relationship management, data collection, etc.

According to the report, the global market size of cloud apps is projected to reach approx 168.6 billion USD by 2025. Cloud apps usually support several user requirements through customization and provide several services to meet storage, backup & security needs. Some major characteristics of cloud apps include:
Agile application
Continuously integrated & delivered
User experience-centric
Types of Cloud-based Applications
Cloud apps are divided into three major cloud computing models – SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Each model also shows several parts of cloud computing stacks. Take a closer look at these types:
    . SaaS or Software as a Service
SaaS is one of the best cloud apps that enable users to easily access full-functioning software applications over the internet. These cloud applications are primarily designed for freelance services, large enterprises & SMBs. Some of the best examples of SaaS applications are HubSpot CRM, Wrike, MS Office 365, Sisense, Wix, etc.
    . PaaS or Platform as a Service
PaaS provides users with the infrastructure, computing platforms, and solutions to build their own applications. Platform as a Service is ideal for businesses that mainly engage in collaboration, testing, and development of cloud solutions. PaaS applications have a deployment environment including run-time system libraries, operating systems, and graphic UI. Some of the best examples of PaaS apps are Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace Cloud Sites, etc.
    . IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service
IaaS consists of basic building blocks that offer access to networking functionalities, features & data storage space. It enables users to outsource IT infrastructures like servers, processing, virtual machines, storage, networking & other resources. IaaS applications also offer a good level of management control and flexibility over IT resources. Some of the best examples of IaaS apps are Amazon WorkSpaces, IBM Cloud, Google Cloud, etc.
Benefits of Cloud Apps
Web based application in cloud computing boost productivity, accessibility, security, and data safety. They help businesses make the process of collaboration more effective and easier. Key benefits of cloud applications include:
Minimal service provider interaction & management effort
Provides large computing capabilities, online & offline
Provides access to information from any device or place
Offers fast access to important applications through cloud servers
The performance of the availability of cloud apps enhances profitability & streamlines workflows
Serves multiple consumers with virtual and physical needs
Provides high transparency to resource providers & consumers
Offers improved collaboration options
Web Apps Vs Cloud Apps – Key Differences
Web apps and cloud apps both come with a wide range of functionalities & have noticeable distinctions. Web-based applications usually are accessible via web browsers, whereas cloud app’s infrastructure and data aren’t only accessible through the web browser but also downloadable. So, all cloud apps are web apps with additional features. Other differences between web and cloud apps are listed below.

Cloud apps
Web apps
Work partially or entirely without the internet connectivity
Work with the internet only
Ensures high security measures for sensitive & confidential information
It can verify client info on authentic servers
It needs a back–end framework & a JavaScript-based structure like React Js, Angular, etc
It has inbuilt languages such as PHP, Python & Ruby, and databases like MySQL.
It’s not dependent on the web browser
Accessed via the web browser only
Customization features improve functionalities.
Never provides customization and similar functionalities
Expensive as compared to web apps
Development cost is less than cloud apps
SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, RaaS
Static web apps, dynamic web apps portal web apps, etc
Inherently scalable
Limited scalability
High uptime
Limited uptime
Multiple replicated center
Single data center

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Final Words
Web apps and cloud apps both are continuing to deliver users as the most crucial touch point. Since they are packed with similarities and dissimilarities in terms of software architecture, storage, and other aspects, selecting the right application always depends on customer preferences, business needs, and operations. Are you planning to build a custom web application or looking for web app development services? Get in touch with our experts for complete assistance.

4722 views · 5 years ago
PHP Basics

It's 2018, and you're a top-notch modern web developer, with a load of knowledge and tools right there at your disposal: Google and StackOverflow, debugger with a GUI, IDE with autocomplete, you name it. Occasionally, though, you still find yourself in a plain old text console on a remote server, or you have to do something without IDE, or there is no network connection... In such cases it might be helpful to feel comfortable in a simple terminal. In this post I'm going to list some switches for the PHP command that you can use to get information and some utilities.

Getting basic information about PHP

$ php -i
PHP Version => 7.2.10-0ubuntu1

System => Linux awesome 4.18.0-10-generic #11-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 11 15:13:55 UTC 2018 x86_64
Build Date => Sep 13 2018 13:38:55
Server API => Command Line Interface
Virtual Directory Support => disabled

Full information about your PHP interpreter. Pipe the output to the Unix less command in order to get pagination and search: php -i | less. Type Q to exit the less shell. Some distros might lack less, in that case you may try php -i | more, which doesn't give you search but still has pagination.

Want a short summary of which PHP extensions you have? Just ask:

$ php -m
[PHP Modules]

More specific info about core and extensions' functions and classes

Full information about functions and classes provided by an extension:

$ php --re ds
Extension [ <persistent> extension #46 ds version 1.2.6 ] {

- Dependencies {
Dependency [ json (Required) ]
Dependency [ spl (Required) ]

- Classes [11] {
Interface [ <internal:ds> interface Ds\Hashable ] {

- Constants [0] {

- Static properties [0] {

Information on a specific class:

$ php --rc Ds\Vector
Class [ <internal:ds> <iterateable> final class Ds\Vector implements Ds\Sequence, Traversable, Countable, JsonSerializable, Ds\Collection ] {

- Constants [1] {
Constant [ public integer MIN_CAPACITY ] { 8 }

- Static properties [0] {

Same for a function:

$ php --rf fopen
Function [ <internal:standard> function fopen ] {

- Parameters [4] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $filename ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $mode ]
Parameter #2 [ <optional> $use_include_path ]
Parameter #3 [ <optional> $context ]


Ever found yourself creating a dummy PHP file of just a few lines - only to be run once and then deleted? The -a switch might be what you're looking for:

$ php -a
Interactive mode enabled

php > var_dump(join(", ", [1, 2, 3]));
php shell code:1:
string(7) "1, 2, 3"
php >

It starts an interactive shell so you can type any PHP code and execute it straight away. Requires PHP to be compiled with readline support (most distros have that anyway).

Want a quick check for any parse/syntax errors in a PHP file? Use linter:

$ php -l test.php 
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'array_shift' (T_STRING) in test.php on line 4
Errors parsing test.php

It has a web-server!

Yes! Just in case you missed it, as of PHP 5.4.0, the CLI SAPI provides a built-in web server. Want a quick look at a web page generated by an app? Here you go:

$ cd /my_application/document_root
$ php -S localhost:8000

Then open http://localhost:8000/ in your browser of choice and enjoy!

Hope you also have enjoyed this reading. Your feedback and questions are always appreciated!
4514 views · 3 years ago

People that visit your website face an invisible threat each time they log on. Small businesses are especially vulnerable to digital data breaches, and that can change the way your customers feel about you. But, although you cannot stop hackers from trying, there are things you can do as a business owner to make your website a safer experience for everyone. Keep reading for tips.

Mature digitally.

You may be ahead of the times when it comes to products and services, but, chances are, your website hasn't fully kept up. It's time to learn all you can about the internet and digital security. If you are already somewhat tech savvy, a PHP Security Course from Nomad PHP can help you better understand everything from cryptography to website error messages.

Adapting to today's digital environment means transforming your website to quickly and easily identify threats via machine learning and network monitoring. And, as Upwork explains, digital maturity not only keeps your website safe, but adopting this mindset can also increase your efficiency and accuracy by reducing human errors.

Understand the threats.

It is not enough to simply keep up with your website, you also have to understand the types of threats that are out there. You're likely familiar with ransomware and phishing, but, it's also a good idea to know how a website can get hacked. Your site's content management system and vulnerabilities within your operating system are all weak points that hackers can easily identify.

Insist on security measures.

When customers log into your website, they input their credentials. Each time they do so, you can best protect their information by keeping your systems up to date. You'll also want to ensure that your site is hosted on a secure service and that you have an SSL certificate installed.

If you are not already, have your IT department or managed IT services perform regular website security checks. PhoenixNAP, an IT services provider, notes that those websites working via WordPress should also be safely outfitted with the most recent security plug-ins.

Eliminate spam.

If your website allows for comments that are not manually approved, anyone on the internet can post. This leaves it open for hackers and other unscrupulous individuals to comment with spam and malicious links that your customers may inadvertently click on. While many of these simply exist as a way for the commenter to drive traffic to another website, others are designed to draw your readers' attention, gain their trust, and access their personal information.

Prioritize passwords.

Your customers' passwords are the keys by which they open the door to your website. Unfortunately, many people do not treat them with as much care as they do the keys they use in the non-digital world.

It's true, passwords can be a pain, but you are not doing yourself or your customers any favors by allowing simple one-word passcodes to access your site. Instead, design your site to require a strong password. How-To Geek asserts that this will have a minimum of 12 characters and include a combination of upper and lower case letters, symbols, and numbers.

While you will likely rely on your IT experts to secure your website, the truth is that it is ultimately up to you to ensure this is done. So even if you are not a digital mastermind, knowing all you can about web security can help you be a better business owner. Your customers will be safer, and a secure website is just one way to strengthen your business's online presence and keep up with today's -- and tomorrow's -- technology.