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18154 views · 5 years ago
Creating a Virus with PHP

In his talk, “Writing Viruses for Fun, Not Profit,”Ben Dechrai (after making the viewer take a pledge to only use this knowledge for good and not evil) walks through how many viruses operate, and just how easy it is to build your own self-replicating virus in PHP.

The danger of many of these viruses according to Ben is that the most dangerous viruses often escape detection by not looking like a virus. Instead they encrypt their code to hide their true intent, while also constantly adapting and evolving.

Perhaps even more dangerously, they act like they’re benign and don’t actually do anything - often times laying dormant until called upon by the malicious actor.

Creating the Virus

What’s scary is just how simple it was for Ben to create such a virus, one that mutated ever so slightly as it infected every other file on the server. Opening up unlimited possibilities from scraping customer data, to DDOS attacks, to simply hijacking your domain.

But those attacks are just the start as Ben demonstrated how easy it is to write new files, delete files, eval() and execute foreign code - which could even be extended to accessing the underlying server itself if shell_exec() is enabled.

To add to the problem, Ben shares how challenging it can be to identify malicious code on your server as many of these attacks are far more sophisticated than the the virus he created in a matter of minutes - hiding themselves and often appearing as if they are part of the original source code.

Deploying the Virus

To drive his point home, Ben demonstrates how even seemingly secure systems can be vulnerable - as all it takes is one tiny misstep within your application.

He highlights this by building what should be a secure photo gallery - one that checks the extension and mime-type of the image - and even stores it outside of the public directory. He goes even farther by adding additional sanity checks with a PHP script that then renders the image.

After walking through the code and it’s security features, he then downloads a simple image from the internet. Opening his editor he quickly injects the virus (written in PHP) into the image and uploads it, passing all of the server checks.

Surely, since it passed these checks the system is secure, right? Ben loads the gallery to proudly show off the image - which is just that… an image, with nothing special or out of the ordinary.
Except that when he opens the image gallery files, each has been infected with the malicious code.

The culprit that allowed for Ben to hijack an entire system and execute foreign code, create new files, and even hijack the entire site? When displaying the image the file was included using PHP’s include() function, instead of pulling in the data using file_get_contents() and echoing it out.

Such a simple mistake provided Ben, if he was a malicious hacker, complete access to all of the files on the system.

Protecting Yourself

Security always exists in layers - and this could have been prevented by including a few more layers, such as using an open source library to rewrite the image, reviewing the image source before pulling it in, or again not giving it executable access by using the PHP include() function.

But what’s terrifying is how simple it is to hijack a site, how easy it is to get access to your system and private data, and how easy it is to overlook security vulnerabilities - especially with open source tooling and those that take plugins.

As Ben explains, sometimes the core code itself is really secure, but then you get two different plugins that when used together accidentally create a security vulnerability. That by itself is one of the most challenging as you can audit each plugin individually, and still not know you’re opening up your system to malicious actors.

This is why it's not just important to stay up to date on the latest security measures and best practices, but to be constantly thinking like a hacker and testing your code for vulnerabilities.

Learn More

You can watch thefull video to learn more how viruses operate, how to quickly build your own PHP virus (but you must promise to use it for good), and what to watch for in order to protect yourself, your customers, and your architecture.
9230 views · 5 years ago
Hey there! This reading is not going to be a technical one. Instead, it's just a little portion of information that you might have not known before. I once worked for a project that did currency exchanges. As you probably know, currencies have 3-letter codes (ISO 4217), and I asked myself if there's a currency with code "PHP".

PHP: Philippine peso! In Philippines you can code PHP for PHP!
Philippine Pesos

But there's more to it.. "PHP: Prvi Hrvatski Pištolj" stands for "first Croatian pistol". Next time someone tells me that it's too easy to shoot your own leg with PHP, I'll definitely agree.
If you don't believe me - checkout these 10 most common mistakes PHP programmers make from Toptal!

Or checkout Eric Wastl's list of things in PHP that make him sad. Or these three weird facts about PHP that you might not have known. The thing is PHP is a great programming language for building web applications, but... it's not without it's quirks.

___What else does PHP stand for???___

Project Honey Pot - system targeted at spammers and email harversters.

Pigeonhole principle - if n items are put into m containers, with n > m, then at least one container must contain more than one item. Mathematicians can be even more weird then programmers, can't they? And remember, programmers can right something like if (true == false)...

PHP has even more meanings, see this wikipedia page) for reference and havePHun!
9789 views · 5 years ago
Halloween is filled with ghouls, ghosts, zombies and lots of other spookiness, but the scariest thing ever is FOMO. It’s conference season and several have their call for papers out (including us at Nomad PHP :D). This is the perfect time for you to share your knowledge with the community. Whether it’s your first time or 100th time - it can be scary to put yourself out there and do a talk, but worse than that is not taking the chance and submitting your talk and doing the presentation. Plus, many of these events host lightning talks (short 5-15 minute talks) - meaning you can test out your talk risk free ;)

So here is your chance - submit for one or submit for all of them. May the odds be ever in your favor!

Fosdem 2019

First we have Fosdem 2019 which will take place on February 2 & 3 in Brussels,Belgium. Some facts about this call for papers:
*Deadline: November 3, 2018
* Presentations are expected to be 50 minutes long (including audience questions) and should cater to a varied technical audience. For examples check out youtube.
*Submit your proposals via Pentabarf:
* The conference covers reasonable travel expenses agreed upon in advance as well as arranges accommodations

Midwest PHP 2019

Next up we have Midwest PHP which will take place on March 8 & 9 in Bloomington, Minnesota.
*Deadline: November 15, 2018
* There is a speaker package included (conference pass, 2 hotel nights, airfare/travel - $500 max, lunch, etc.)
* Make sure the talk title and abstract define the exact topic and what you hope people will learn from it.
* Recommended to submit more than one talk because it can increase your chances of one of them being picked.
*Submit your talk here: [] (

Longhorn PHP

Next we have Longhorn PHP which will take place on May 2 (tutorial day) then MAy 3 &4 (conference) in Austin, Texas.
*Deadline: December 15, 2018
* For all speakers, you'll get a full conference pass (tutorial day and main conference days), including access to lunch, after-parties, and any other activities included in the conference.
* For speakers remote to the Austin area, we'll provide 3 nights at the speaker hotel (4 nights if presenting a talk and a tutorial) near the conference venue.
* For speakers outside Texas, we'll book you an Economy or equivalent round-trip airfare on a flight into Austin we'd be comfortable taking ourselves (we're conference speakers too!). Plus, we'll arrange transportation between the Austin airport and the speaker hotel.
* Three different session lengths: 3 hour tutorials, 60 minute talks, and 30 minute talks.
* It doesn't have to just be a PHP related talk. For more information on talks click here.
*Submit your talk here:

Laravel Live India 2019

Then we have LaravelLive India 2019 in Mumbai, India.
*Deadline: December 31, 2018
* Talk length is 30 minutes - Q&A up to the presenters discretion but would be included in the 30 minute time limit.
* Talks will be recorded and distributed for free as well as the presentation slides.
* Looking for a range of talks from PHP (security, testing and frameworks), web development, HTML5, JavaScript, mobile development, emerging technologies and non-technical proposals that will appeal to developers.
*Talk guidelines: Objective with clear expectation for audience, short and to the point description, mention of employer is only allowed at the beginning of the content and background image/wallpaper shouldn’t include company name/logos.
*Submit your talk here: [] (

Nomad PHP

(you know you want to)

Last but not least - this is an ongoing call for papers. This is perfect if you want to present from the comfort of your office, home or really wherever you are. It’s via RingCentral meetings and will be live and recorded. This is for none other than Nomad PHP.
*Deadline: Anytime :D
* Talk length: 45 - 60 minutes.
* Talks should be unique to Nomad PHP and not available in video format online.
* Talk should not be recorded or made available elsewhere online for at least 3 months following your talk.
* The talk will be featured on our page and promoted via social media.
* Speakers will receive a financial stipend.
* Upon being selected we will reach out with further details.
*Submit here: [] (
Now that you have some information - it’s the perfect time to take it all in and get started on your talk proposals :)! Looking forward to seeing all the amazing talks that will be coming out!!!
6385 views · 5 years ago
Oprah: You Get Extension! Everyone Get Extension!

Ever wanted to publish your own extension for PHP but stopped by the lack of C language background? Well, maybe it's time for another take. Zephir language is targeted at people like you.

If you follow this link, you will find these words that say a lot about this project:

Zephir, an open source, high-level language designed to ease the creation and

maintainability of extensions for PHP with a focus on type and memory safety.

Its syntax highly resembles that of PHP, only there's no dollars scattered around your code. Dollar signs, I mean, the PHP $variables. You only can create object oriented extensions, and all the classes written in Zephir must be namespaced. A different and stricter type system exists in Zephir, which allows for transpiling the code you write, into a real C extension.

Why would you need it? This question is largely answered here: Why Zephir. I can only add that, from experience, if you expect a crazy performance boost, you probably won't get it. First, most of the time the bottleneck is not PHP but the IO: database interactions, network and filesystem interactions etc. You won't gain anything by switching to different programming language, in that regards. However, some CPU-intensive calculations may run a lot faster, and if you worry about someone stealing you intellectual property - it also might be worth checking out, because then you can ship your software in form of a binary.

Zephir is the language in which the fastest modern PHP framework is written - Phalcon. Whether or not to use it - decide for yourself, it obviously has its pros and cons. But it's certainly interesting to know that you have the ability to approach some of your tasks completely differently!

See you around, and feel free to comment!
19066 views · 5 years ago
Install Composer for PHP

Composer is a must-have tool for every PHP developer these days. This page is a simple breakdown of quick-install instructions.

How do I install composer?

. Use PHP to download the composer installer, place it in the current directory, and name it composer-setup.php

    . Use PHP to check the hash of the file you downloaded and compare it to the known value of the hash. You can always find the current value of the hash for the installer on the Composer Public Keys / Signatures page.
. Run the setup program to install composer. This does more than just download the latest copy of composer, it also sets up your local ~/.composer directory. This will install composer into the current directory. You can add the --install-dir=DIR to specify where you want composer installed. You can also specify --filename=composer to change the installed filename. You can use anything you like that doesn’t already exist in your specified directory, you don’t have to use the name composer. This is a great way to get rid of the .phar at the end of the name if you don’t like it.
. Use PHP to remove the installer from the current directory.

To install composer for PHP you use PHP to download the installer, set a few options, and then actually perform the install.

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"

php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '55d6ead61b29c7bdee5cccfb50076874187bd9f21f65d8991d46ec5cc90518f447387fb9f76ebae1fbbacf329e583e30') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

php composer-setup.php

php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"

Below is a version you can copy ‘n paste.


Recommended Setup for Linux and macOS:

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"

php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '55d6ead61b29c7bdee5cccfb50076874187bd9f21f65d8991d46ec5cc90518f447387fb9f76ebae1fbbacf329e583e30') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"

WARNING: Line two IS WHERE IT compares the hasH of the installer you just downloaded to a hard-coded value. The value specified in the script is the value for the current version of the installer as of this writing. If it fails, check the Composer Public Keys / Signatures page and get the latest version. Plug it into the script below and try again.

Windows user, change the --installdir= to a directory in your path.

Recommended Setup for Windows

If you are running Microsoft Windows, the instructions above will work for you as long as you use the proper install paths. You can however download ComposerSetup.exe from the Composer Introduction page. Execute this and it will install composer and set your path so that you can run composer from anywhere. You will have to close your terminal window and open a new one after the install for the path to be updated.

That’s it, you should now have Composer installed.

Composer installation Resources

* Composer Homepage
* Composer Introduction
* Download Composer
* Composer Public Keys / Signatures


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