PHP & Web Development Blogs

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9247 views · 5 years ago
Hey there! This reading is not going to be a technical one. Instead, it's just a little portion of information that you might have not known before. I once worked for a project that did currency exchanges. As you probably know, currencies have 3-letter codes (ISO 4217), and I asked myself if there's a currency with code "PHP".

PHP: Philippine peso! In Philippines you can code PHP for PHP!
Philippine Pesos

But there's more to it.. "PHP: Prvi Hrvatski Pištolj" stands for "first Croatian pistol". Next time someone tells me that it's too easy to shoot your own leg with PHP, I'll definitely agree.
If you don't believe me - checkout these 10 most common mistakes PHP programmers make from Toptal!

Or checkout Eric Wastl's list of things in PHP that make him sad. Or these three weird facts about PHP that you might not have known. The thing is PHP is a great programming language for building web applications, but... it's not without it's quirks.

___What else does PHP stand for???___

Project Honey Pot - system targeted at spammers and email harversters.

Pigeonhole principle - if n items are put into m containers, with n > m, then at least one container must contain more than one item. Mathematicians can be even more weird then programmers, can't they? And remember, programmers can right something like if (true == false)...

PHP has even more meanings, see this wikipedia page) for reference and havePHun!
12108 views · 5 years ago
Welcome to PHP 7.1

In case you are living under a rock, the latest version of PHP released last week. PHP developers around the world began rebuilding their development containers with it so they can run their tests. Now it’s your turn. If you haven’t already installed it, you can download it here Grab it, get it running in your development environment, and run those unit tests. If all goes well, you can begin planning your staged deployment to production.

If you need a quick start guide to get you going, our good friend Mr Colin O’Dell has just the thing for you “Installing PHP 7.1”. It’ll get you up and going quickly on PHP 7.1.

What’s the big deal about PHP 7.1? I am so glad you asked. Here are the major new features released in PHP 7.1.

* Nullable types
* Void return type
* Iterable pseudo-type
* Class constant visiblity modifiers
* Square bracket syntax for list() and the ability to specify keys in list()
* Catching multiple exceptions types

Now if you want a quick intro to several of these new features, check out our “RFCs of the Future” playlist on YouTube. In it, I talk about 4 of the new features.

Oh and while you are watching things download & compile, why not take the time to give a shoutout to all the core contributors, and a special thank you to Davey Shafik and Joe Watkins, the PHP 7.1 release managers.
