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9104 views · 4 years ago

Welcome back! If you’re new to this series have a look at Part 1 here

Today’s focus is on templating, the aesthetic that will make or break your web application.

Having a clean design with well defined CSS that’s responsive and user friendly goes a long way.

Developers often stick to their lane but delving into templating will bode in your favor, you can indeed
create a functional and launch-worthy application all on your own!

Let’s jump into it!

Structured structure

Everything you tackle should be found with ease down the line. Therefore careful planning is fundamental to the success and sustainability of your project. You’ll also find that clearly defining your work lends itself to more productivity overall as you spend less that explaining your work during a handover / looking for a specific piece of code or resource. You’ll probably end up spending more time on actual work.
Finding your own unique pattern with file structure and CSS identifiers will also work in your favor as something unique to your process will most likely be easier to remember and form a tactile relationship with.

Our project’s current structure looks like this:

>If you need to backtrack, Part 1 is a great place to start!

In part 1, we created our index.php which displays info from our database.

Let’s take this a step further and create a header and a footer for our index.php

Create a file called header.php and save this to your includes folder.

Next, create a file called footer.php and save this to your includes folder.

Your file structure should now look like this.

A header above all the rest

The header file will be a file we reuse throughout your web application. This file will contain important information that’s vital to the functionality and aesthetic of your website.
The type of info you’ll expect to see in a header.php file:
Script includes
Such as JQuery and important libraries
CSS includes
CSS files loaded from internal or external sources
Meta information
Contains important information that’s readable by search engines.
The basic structure of the beginning of your app, including your menu, and your logo.
For now, how header is going to have a basic layout.

Let’s get our HTML on!

<title>My Awesome CMS – Page Title</title>

A footer that sets the bar

Create a file called footer.php and save it to your includes folder (yourcms/includes/footer.php).

Add this code to your new file.


Next, let’s focus on the gravy… The CSS

CSS, when written beautifully, can truly set you apart.

You can tell your web application to load various styles to specific elements by defining unique identifiers.
Styles that are only used once are denoted with a # (a CSS “ID”) whereas styles that are reused multiple times are denoted with a . (a CSS “class”)

The best way to delve into the realm of CSS is to learn by experience.

Let’s create!

First, we need to create and load our CSS file. Remember our nifty new pal header.php? This created a convenient way to load our CSS file!

Add the following code to your header.php just above the </head> tag.

<link href=”../assets/css/style.css” type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet”/> 

The ../ in the link to our stylesheet means we have to leave the current directory (the directory that header.php is in) and look for the assets/css/ directories.

Go ahead and create the css folder under your assets folder.

Next we’re going to create some simple CSS to test things out.

It’s time to add some style!

We are going to create two divs.
A div is a divider / section in HTML.
Add this to your index.php (located in your CMS’ root folder) above the <?php tag.

<div id="myfirstid"></div>
<div class="myfirstclass"></div>
<div class="myfirstclass"></div>
<div class="myfirstclass"></div>
<div class="myfirstclass"></div>
<div class="myfirstclass"></div>

Then, create a CSS file

Add this:

Font-weight: Bold;
Color: darkblue;

Save your newly created CSS to assets/css/ as style.css.

Pulling it all together, let’s see what we can do!

Let’s apply what we just learned to our index.php. But first, we should add our header.php and footer.php files.

Including everyone

Add this to the top of your index.php file:


Remove the <divs> we used for practice earlier, we have something better in store!

Add this to the bottom of your index.php:


Next, let’s modify our code so we can add some style to the data we retrieve from our database.

Modify the following line:
foreach($getmydata as $mydata){ echo "Title: "; echo $mydata['title']; echo "<br/>"; echo "Content: "; echo $mydata['content']; echo "<br/>"; echo "Author: "; echo $mydata['author']; echo "<br/>"; echo "<br/>";

as follows:

<div id=”myfirstid”>
foreach($getmydata as $mydata){
echo "<div class=”myfirstclass”>Title: ";
echo $mydata['title'];
echo "<br/>";
echo "Content: ";
echo $mydata['content'];
echo "<br/>";
echo "Author: ";
echo $mydata['author'];
echo "</div><br/><br/>";

Your full index.php should now look like this:


if ($letsconnect -> connect_errno) { echo "Error " . $letsconnect -> connect_error;


$getmydata=$letsconnect -> query("SELECT * FROM content");

<div id="myfirstid">
foreach($getmydata as $mydata){
echo "<div class=”myfirstclass”>Title: ";
echo $mydata['title'];
echo "<br/>";
echo "Content: ";
echo $mydata['content'];
echo "<br/>";
echo "Author: ";
echo $mydata['author'];
echo "</div><br/><br/>";

$letsconnect -> close();

Go ahead, test it out!

There’s a lot to unpack and I will break things down a little more during our next tutorial!


Study the final index.php and try to form a few theories about why closing a php tag is necessary before adding raw html.

Next Up: #CodeWithMe Part 4: Building A Good Base

10034 views · 4 years ago

Welcome back!, if you’re new please be sure to read Part 1 here.

This tutorial will focus primarily on Security and will touch on how to plan functionality.

Planning out an application and seeing progress regularly is a good strategy as you are most likely to complete your tasks in a timely fashion with this approach.

Ready?, ok let’s jump into it!


We highly recommend that you follow these tutorials on a localhost testing server like Uniserver. Read through Part 1 here to look at our recommendations. These tutorials follow a phased approach and it is highly recommended that you do not make snippets of code live prior to completing this tutorial series.

Where we left off – the serious stuff.

In the previous tutorial we saved variables to the database.

It’s important to note that further steps are needed to ensure that data transactions to / from the database are secure.

A great first step is to ensure that all POST data (data transmitted after a user clicks a form’s submit button) is sanitized.

What we’re trying to prevent

One of the most common exploits is SQL Injection, an attack most commonly used to insert SQL into db queries. POST data that’s not sanitized leaves a huge security hole for malicious exploits. In some cases SQL injection can be leveraged to rage an all out assault on a server’s operating system.

A few examples of a basic version of what this might look like can be seen below.


This might delete your database table


This might provide access to the entire user table and the password protected area/dashboard.

***Please note that there are various types of SQL injection techniques and I will delve into this during the course of this series.***

So what exactly is sanitization and what does it do?

When sanitizing POST data, we are essentially looking for any special characters that are often used in SQL injection attacks.

In many ways, this tiny piece of code is the unsung superhero of many database driven applications.

Let’s secure that POST data!

Navigate to your backend folder and open index.php

Locate the following line of code:

$sql = "INSERT INTO content(title,content,author)VALUES ('".$_POST["title"]."', '".$_POST["content"]."', '".$_POST["author"]."')";

Ok, let’s get to work.

Based on what I mentioned a few moments ago, it’s clear that our SQL statement is vulnerable so we need to sanitize the POST data pronto!

The method I will focus on first is $mysqli->real_escape_string. This will escape any special characters found in the POST data.

Add the following just above your $sql.

$title = $letsconnect -> real_escape_string($_POST['title']);

$content = $letsconnect -> real_escape_string($_POST['content']);

$author = $letsconnect -> real_escape_string($_POST['author']);

Did you notice the use of $letsconnect? This was used because of our db connection defined in conn.php.

Our new query will look like this:

$sql = "INSERT INTO content (title,content,author) VALUES ('".$title."', '".$content."', '".$author."')";

Go ahead and replace the old $sql.

Phew!, we can breathe easy now.

Next, let’s lighten things up a bit by focusing on functionality and aesthetics.

A phased approach is the best way to tackle projects of any size.

I tend to jot this down on paper before creating a more legible professional spec!.

Typically the phased approach lends itself to logical progression.

For example, over the next several days I will go over the following:

* Account Access
* The login process
* The registration process
* The password recovery process
* Frontend
* The look and feel
* Menus
* Sidebars
*Main Content
* Backend
* Content Management
* Add/Edit/Delete
* Security

This will give us a good springboard to delve into more complex functionality.

The aesthetic I have in mind will be barebones at first with clean CSS practices (this will make life a whole lot easier when we have to make changes down the line!).

Challenge :

Plan out your own CMS, think about the user interface and design choices you’d like to implement, and create a phased approach.


I hope this tutorial encouraged you to think about security and understand one of the most common exploits. During the course of this series, you will receive the tools necessary to beef up security while maintaining your sanity!

Next up

CodeWithMe – Let’s go templating.


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