PHP & Web Development Blogs

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9228 views · 5 years ago
Hey there! This reading is not going to be a technical one. Instead, it's just a little portion of information that you might have not known before. I once worked for a project that did currency exchanges. As you probably know, currencies have 3-letter codes (ISO 4217), and I asked myself if there's a currency with code "PHP".

PHP: Philippine peso! In Philippines you can code PHP for PHP!
Philippine Pesos

But there's more to it.. "PHP: Prvi Hrvatski Pištolj" stands for "first Croatian pistol". Next time someone tells me that it's too easy to shoot your own leg with PHP, I'll definitely agree.
If you don't believe me - checkout these 10 most common mistakes PHP programmers make from Toptal!

Or checkout Eric Wastl's list of things in PHP that make him sad. Or these three weird facts about PHP that you might not have known. The thing is PHP is a great programming language for building web applications, but... it's not without it's quirks.

___What else does PHP stand for???___

Project Honey Pot - system targeted at spammers and email harversters.

Pigeonhole principle - if n items are put into m containers, with n > m, then at least one container must contain more than one item. Mathematicians can be even more weird then programmers, can't they? And remember, programmers can right something like if (true == false)...

PHP has even more meanings, see this wikipedia page) for reference and havePHun!
4681 views · 5 years ago
PHP Basics

It's 2018, and you're a top-notch modern web developer, with a load of knowledge and tools right there at your disposal: Google and StackOverflow, debugger with a GUI, IDE with autocomplete, you name it. Occasionally, though, you still find yourself in a plain old text console on a remote server, or you have to do something without IDE, or there is no network connection... In such cases it might be helpful to feel comfortable in a simple terminal. In this post I'm going to list some switches for the PHP command that you can use to get information and some utilities.

Getting basic information about PHP

$ php -i
PHP Version => 7.2.10-0ubuntu1

System => Linux awesome 4.18.0-10-generic #11-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 11 15:13:55 UTC 2018 x86_64
Build Date => Sep 13 2018 13:38:55
Server API => Command Line Interface
Virtual Directory Support => disabled

Full information about your PHP interpreter. Pipe the output to the Unix less command in order to get pagination and search: php -i | less. Type Q to exit the less shell. Some distros might lack less, in that case you may try php -i | more, which doesn't give you search but still has pagination.

Want a short summary of which PHP extensions you have? Just ask:

$ php -m
[PHP Modules]

More specific info about core and extensions' functions and classes

Full information about functions and classes provided by an extension:

$ php --re ds
Extension [ <persistent> extension #46 ds version 1.2.6 ] {

- Dependencies {
Dependency [ json (Required) ]
Dependency [ spl (Required) ]

- Classes [11] {
Interface [ <internal:ds> interface Ds\Hashable ] {

- Constants [0] {

- Static properties [0] {

Information on a specific class:

$ php --rc Ds\Vector
Class [ <internal:ds> <iterateable> final class Ds\Vector implements Ds\Sequence, Traversable, Countable, JsonSerializable, Ds\Collection ] {

- Constants [1] {
Constant [ public integer MIN_CAPACITY ] { 8 }

- Static properties [0] {

Same for a function:

$ php --rf fopen
Function [ <internal:standard> function fopen ] {

- Parameters [4] {
Parameter #0 [ <required> $filename ]
Parameter #1 [ <required> $mode ]
Parameter #2 [ <optional> $use_include_path ]
Parameter #3 [ <optional> $context ]


Ever found yourself creating a dummy PHP file of just a few lines - only to be run once and then deleted? The -a switch might be what you're looking for:

$ php -a
Interactive mode enabled

php > var_dump(join(", ", [1, 2, 3]));
php shell code:1:
string(7) "1, 2, 3"
php >

It starts an interactive shell so you can type any PHP code and execute it straight away. Requires PHP to be compiled with readline support (most distros have that anyway).

Want a quick check for any parse/syntax errors in a PHP file? Use linter:

$ php -l test.php 
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'array_shift' (T_STRING) in test.php on line 4
Errors parsing test.php

It has a web-server!

Yes! Just in case you missed it, as of PHP 5.4.0, the CLI SAPI provides a built-in web server. Want a quick look at a web page generated by an app? Here you go:

$ cd /my_application/document_root
$ php -S localhost:8000

Then open http://localhost:8000/ in your browser of choice and enjoy!

Hope you also have enjoyed this reading. Your feedback and questions are always appreciated!
19063 views · 5 years ago
Install Composer for PHP

Composer is a must-have tool for every PHP developer these days. This page is a simple breakdown of quick-install instructions.

How do I install composer?

. Use PHP to download the composer installer, place it in the current directory, and name it composer-setup.php

    . Use PHP to check the hash of the file you downloaded and compare it to the known value of the hash. You can always find the current value of the hash for the installer on the Composer Public Keys / Signatures page.
. Run the setup program to install composer. This does more than just download the latest copy of composer, it also sets up your local ~/.composer directory. This will install composer into the current directory. You can add the --install-dir=DIR to specify where you want composer installed. You can also specify --filename=composer to change the installed filename. You can use anything you like that doesn’t already exist in your specified directory, you don’t have to use the name composer. This is a great way to get rid of the .phar at the end of the name if you don’t like it.
. Use PHP to remove the installer from the current directory.

To install composer for PHP you use PHP to download the installer, set a few options, and then actually perform the install.

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"

php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '55d6ead61b29c7bdee5cccfb50076874187bd9f21f65d8991d46ec5cc90518f447387fb9f76ebae1fbbacf329e583e30') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

php composer-setup.php

php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"

Below is a version you can copy ‘n paste.


Recommended Setup for Linux and macOS:

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"

php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === '55d6ead61b29c7bdee5cccfb50076874187bd9f21f65d8991d46ec5cc90518f447387fb9f76ebae1fbbacf329e583e30') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"

WARNING: Line two IS WHERE IT compares the hasH of the installer you just downloaded to a hard-coded value. The value specified in the script is the value for the current version of the installer as of this writing. If it fails, check the Composer Public Keys / Signatures page and get the latest version. Plug it into the script below and try again.

Windows user, change the --installdir= to a directory in your path.

Recommended Setup for Windows

If you are running Microsoft Windows, the instructions above will work for you as long as you use the proper install paths. You can however download ComposerSetup.exe from the Composer Introduction page. Execute this and it will install composer and set your path so that you can run composer from anywhere. You will have to close your terminal window and open a new one after the install for the path to be updated.

That’s it, you should now have Composer installed.

Composer installation Resources

* Composer Homepage
* Composer Introduction
* Download Composer
* Composer Public Keys / Signatures
5378 views · 3 years ago
Top 12 PHP Libraries to Leverage Your Web App Development

PHP, by all means, is an immensely powerful language!

We may fall short of words, but there won't come any end to its qualities. The endless functionalities and possibilities of this server-side scripting language have managed to get it a strong and supportive community of PHP programmers on a global level. At present, PHP powers more than half on websites and applications on the internet.

Do you know what makes PHP so praiseworthy?

It is the simplicity, easy programming structure, and developer-friendly web functionalities that are to be credited to turn PHP into one of the top programming languages. You can create highly interactive and dynamic websites and applications with desired results by making use of PHP.

However, coding often could be a tough and tedious task to accomplish. As a solution to this, you get built-in PHP libraries that optimize the process of coding for maximum productivity.

But what are these libraries?

That's exactly what you will find out as you move ahead in this article, a list of top 12 PHP libraries capable of leading the development process in an intended manner.

So, without waiting any further, let's move ahead to learn about PHP libraries in-depth.


PChart is a PHP library assisting with the generation of text data in the form of something more appealing to the eyes and known as visual charts.

You can use this library to represent data as bar charts, pie charts, and many more different formats. The PHP script here utilizes SQL queries to put data in the impressive charts or graphs form.


Another well-known in the list of PHP libraries is Mink. It allows you to keep an eye on if a proper interaction is happening between your web apps and the browser. Eliminating the API differences between the two types of browser emulators, Mink offers an authentic testing environment for you. It also supports PHPUnit, Behat, and Symfony2.


Monolog is a PHP logging library that helps you with saving logs to the specified locations by sending them to set files, sockets, inboxes, databases, or other web services. The use of the PSR-3 interface permits to type-hint logs in counter to your libraries that maintain optimum interoperability.


This modular, extensible, and structured set of PHP libraries we know as Hoa establishes a link between the research and the industry.

It recommends essential paradigms, mechanisms, and algorithms for building the reliability of a site. Many PHP developers in different parts of the world use Hoa for ideal PHP development.


Guzzle is an HTTP client library for PHP that enables you to send HTTP requests to combine with web services.

It offers a simple interface that makes the development of query strings, POST requests, HTTP cookies, and many other attributes possible. You can also use Guzzle to send synchronous and asynchronous requests from the similar interface.


If your need is to develop real-time, two-directional apps between clients and servers over WebSockets, Ratchet is the PHP library you need to do it effectively.

Creating event-driven apps with Ratchet is a rapid, simple, and easy job to do!


Geocoder is a library to create applications that are very well geo-aware.

With Geocoder, there is an abstraction layer that helps with geocoding manipulations.

It is further split into two parts, known as HttpAdapter and Provider.


ImageWorkshop is an open-source PHP library letting you work over the manipulation of images with layers. You can crop, resize, add watermarks, create thumbnails, and so much more. You can also enhance the images on the sites.


phpThumb is the library specialized at handling the work associated with creating thumbnails with minimal coding. Accepting every image source type and image formats, it makes you do a lot ranging from rotating or cropping to watermarking or defining the image quality.


This simple library we know as Parody is used to copy classes and objects. It also provides results for method calls, acquiring properties, instantiating objects, and more. Sequential method chaining is used by Parody to produce defining class structures.


This object-oriented PHP library is meant for working with images along with manipulating them. The often adopted operations such as resizing, cropping, and applying filters happen instantly and relatively well with Imagine.

With Imagine, you get a color class that forms the RGB values of any given color. Draw shapes like arc, ellipse, line, etc. with the features available.


PhpFastCache is an open-source PHP library that makes caching feasible. Coming as a single-file, it can be integrated within a matter of minutes.

Caching methods supported by PhpFastCache involve apc, memcache, memcached, wincache, pdo, and mpdo.

The Bottom Line

It's not about what extra difference these libraries make; it's about what significant individual contributions these libraries make for a final desired PHP app or website.

A PHP programmer, too, agrees with these libraries' benefits.

It's your time now to try and believe!
9837 views · 3 years ago
Web Sockets in PHP

In his talk Websockets in PHP, John Fransler walks us through the use of WebSockets in PHP.

While discussing bi-directional real-time application development, John notes that PHP is often not invited to the table due to its lack of native support. Of all the possible attempts to bring in PHP on this stage of real-time development, Ratchet, a PHP WebSocket library, comes closest. "Ratchet is a loosely coupled PHP library providing developers with tools to create real-time, bi-directional applications between clients and servers over WebSockets."* Ahem!

Today's dynamic world

In today's dynamic content world of the internet, it is required to serve real-time bi-directional messages between clients and servers. WebSockets are simple, full-duplex, and persistent. They work over Http and are a standard today.

WebSockets have compatibility with 96.5% of clients globally

There's a very high chance your client has the necessary plumbing to access your content via WebSockets. WebSockets gives the ability to have real-time data on to your clients without the need for polling.

To understand WebSockets, John takes an example of a Javascript client and Ratchet Server. Javascript has everything built in to allow access to a socket. For example, you can use the send method on a WebSocket variable to send a message to the server, or if you want to respond to a message from the server, you use the OnConnection method.

While on the Server, John uses Ratchet, which is built on React PHP. A server script is then configured and set up to run and listen on a port for incoming HTTP requests. For messages, JSON is used, and to find public methods, a router is set up. He then goes on to instantiate the server-side script in Ratchet.

There are four functions of a Ratchets message component interface that are used in this example:

OnOpen gets called when a new connection is made.

OnClose gets called when a client quits. It's essential to keep an eye on memory management, and essential to keep tidying up as you move through the code.

OnError gets called when there is an exception faced by the user.

OnMessage gives the text of the JSON message, which is being exchanged with the client.

For Initialization, Jason continues to walk through the example. He shows how one can loop through the clients, both inside the server and outside the server. Outside the server, it’s a feature of React PHP. On database access, and with traditional standard synchronous MySQL in PHP, what usually happens is that it forces the code to wait for the query to return a result and do nothing — Fortunately, with Asynchronous MySQLi, that is not the case.

John gets into the details explaining Variables, References & Pointers. He also gives a demo where a central site has updated information on the Bitcoin and ether prices. A client terminal reflects the last values. Now the client doesn't have to poll the server for new values. When there is a change in the Bitcoin or ether values, the server pushes down the client's update. No polling helps with a lot of overheads and gets closer to real-time.

Using Supervisord

For Long-running applications - Jason recommends running a supervisord, use proxy to expose the port, and add a site certificate. Supervisord keeps an eye out for the server running the service; it can be used to restart the service and log any service issues. Recommended proxies are AWS load balancer, Nginx, and HA Proxy. For scalability, use multiple smaller WebSocket servers and a smaller number of clients per server used and load balancing. If one has to support a chat feature to allow clients to talk to each other in near real-time, it is recommended to use Redis. The Redis server proxies the messages between the server nodes.

The talk concludes with John summarizing best practices on error handling and takes QnA on various aspects of WebSockets such as handling load balancers and asynchronous calls to MSQLi.

The presentation for this video, along with the code, is hosted at John Curt's GitHub. More info about John's current areas of interest can be found on John's Blog.

Watch the video now

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